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Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The only living Sahabi
I was really amazed to see this video a tree is standing since the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the one under which he sat when he visited this place. It's the only tree in the desert having in full bloom and growing without any water or daily care.
I hope you guys will like it and believe that God has created several signs and shows them to us so that we can realize that there is one God and Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) is his last messanger. I would like to recommend this video to all and invite you to witness it for yourself.
FloodMAPS Collaborates with the Imran Khan

The FloodMAPS team is currently working with the Imran Khan Foundation (IKF) catering to their mapping needs! The IKF is doing some amazing work in flood affected regions throughout the country including AJK, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunwa and Sind. In particular they have launched two initiatives simultaneously: the seeds distribution campaign (distribution of wheat seeds across the country) and a village development project (the construction of model villages in different flood affected areas). The IKF wanted both projects to be mapped and now the progress of both campaigns can be viewed online at . Maps are a quick and compelling way to communicate with both donors as well as the general public.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Asteroid Discovery From 1980 - 2010
View of the solar system showing the locations of all the asteroids starting in 1980, as asteroids are discovered they are added to the map and highlighted white so you can pick out the new ones.Currently we have observed over half a million minor planets, and the discovery rates show no sign that we're running out of undiscovered objects.
The final colour of an asteroids indicates how closely it comes to the inner solar system.
Earth Crossers are Red
Earth Approachers (Perihelion less than 1.3AU) are Yellow
All Others are Green
Notice now the pattern of discovery follows the Earth around its orbit, most discoveries are made in the region directly opposite the Sun. You'll also notice some clusters of discoveries on the line between Earth and Jupiter, these are the result of surveys looking for Jovian moons. Similar clusters of discoveries can be tied to the other outer planets, but those are not visible in this video.
As the video moves into the mid 1990's we see much higher discovery rates as automated sky scanning systems come online. Most of the surveys are imaging the sky directly opposite the sun and you'll see a region of high discovery rates aligned in this manner.
At the beginning of 2010 a new discovery pattern becomes evident, with discovery zones in a line perpendicular to the Sun-Earth vector. These new observations are the result of the WISE (Widefield Infrared Survey Explorer) which is a space mission that's tasked with imaging the entire sky in infrared wavelengths.
View of the solar system showing the locations of all the asteroids starting in 1980, as asteroids are discovered they are added to the map and highlighted white so you can pick out the new ones.Currently we have observed over half a million minor planets, and the discovery rates show no sign that we're running out of undiscovered objects.
The final colour of an asteroids indicates how closely it comes to the inner solar system.
Earth Crossers are Red
Earth Approachers (Perihelion less than 1.3AU) are Yellow
All Others are Green
Notice now the pattern of discovery follows the Earth around its orbit, most discoveries are made in the region directly opposite the Sun. You'll also notice some clusters of discoveries on the line between Earth and Jupiter, these are the result of surveys looking for Jovian moons. Similar clusters of discoveries can be tied to the other outer planets, but those are not visible in this video.
As the video moves into the mid 1990's we see much higher discovery rates as automated sky scanning systems come online. Most of the surveys are imaging the sky directly opposite the sun and you'll see a region of high discovery rates aligned in this manner.
At the beginning of 2010 a new discovery pattern becomes evident, with discovery zones in a line perpendicular to the Sun-Earth vector. These new observations are the result of the WISE (Widefield Infrared Survey Explorer) which is a space mission that's tasked with imaging the entire sky in infrared wavelengths.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Taekwondo (태권도; 跆拳道; Korean pronunciation: [tʰɛkwʌndo])[a] is a Korean martial art and the national sport of South Korea. In Korean, tae (태, 跆) means "to strike or break with foot"; kwon (권, 拳) means "to strike or break with fist"; and do (도, 道) means "way," "method," or "art." Thus, taekwondo may be loosely translated as "the art of the foot and fist" or "the art of kicking and punching."
In 1989, taekwondo was the world's most popular martial art, as measured by the number of practitioners.[1] Its popularity has resulted in the varied development of the martial art into several domains: as with many other arts, it combines combat techniques, self-defense, sport, exercise, meditation, and philosophy. Taekwondo is also used by the South Korean military as part of its training.[2] Gyeorugi (pronounced [ɡjʌɾuɡi]), a type of sparring, has been an Olympic event since 2000.
Formally, there are two main styles of taekwondo. One comes from the Kukkiwon, the source of the sparring system sihap gyeorugi which is now an event at the summer Olympic Games and which is governed by the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). The other comes from the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF).[3]
Separate from the various taekwondo organizations, there have been two general branches of taekwondo development: traditional and sport. The term "traditional taekwondo" typically refers to the martial art as it was established in the 1950s and 1960s in the South Korean military forces; in particular, the names and symbolism of the traditional patterns often refer to elements of Korean history. Sport taekwondo has evolved in the decades since then and has a somewhat different focus, especially in terms of its emphasis on speed and competition (as in Olympic sparring), whereas traditional taekwondo tends to emphasize power and self-defense. The two are not mutually exclusive, and the distinctions between them are often blurred.
Although there are doctrinal and technical differences between the two main styles and among the various organizations, the art in general emphasizes kicks thrown from a mobile stance, employing the leg's greater reach and power (compared to the arm). The greatest difference between various styles, or at least the most obvious, is generally accepted to be the differing styles and rules of sport and competition. Taekwondo training generally includes a system of blocks, kicks, punches, and open-handed strikes and may also include various take-downs or sweeps, throws, and joint locks. Some taekwondo instructors also incorporate the use of pressure points, known as jiapsul, as well as grabbing self-defense techniques borrowed from other martial arts, such as hapkido and judo.
The oldest Korean martial art was an amalgamation of unarmed combat styles developed by the three rival Korean kingdoms of Goguryeo, Silla, and Baekje,[4] where young men were trained in unarmed combat techniques to develop strength, speed, and survival skills. The most popular of these techniques was subak, with taekkyeon being the most popular of the segments of subak. Those who demonstrated strong natural aptitude were selected as trainees in the new special warrior corps, called the Hwarang. It was believed that young men with a talent for the liberal arts may have the grace to become competent warriors. These warriors were instructed in academics as well as martial arts, learning philosophy, history, a code of ethics, and equestrian sports. Their military training included an extensive weapons program involving swordsmanship and archery, both on horseback and on foot, as well as lessons in military tactics and unarmed combat using subak. Although subak was a leg-oriented art in Goguryeo, Silla's influence added hand techniques to the practice of subak.[citation needed]
During this time a few select Sillan warriors were given training in taekkyeon by the early masters from Koguryo. These warriors then became known as the Hwarang. The Hwarang set up a military academy for the sons of royalty in Silla called Hwarang-do, which means "the way of flowering manhood." The Hwarang studied taekkyeon, history, Confucian philosophy, ethics, Buddhist morality, social skills and military tactics. The guiding principles of the Hwarang warriors were based on Won Gwang's five codes of human conduct and included loyalty, filial duty, trustworthiness, valor and justice. Taekkyeon was spread throughout Korea because the Hwarang traveled all around the peninsula to learn about the other regions and people.[citation needed]
In spite of Korea's rich history of ancient and traditional martial arts, Korean martial arts faded into obscurity during the Joseon Dynasty. Korean society became highly centralized under Korean Confucianism and martial arts were poorly regarded in a society whose ideals were epitomized by its scholar-kings.[5] Formal practices of traditional martial arts such as subak and taekkyeon were reserved for sanctioned military uses. Civilian practice of taekkyeon, however, persisted into the 20th century.[4]
Modern development
During the Japanese occupation of Korea, all facets of Korean identity, including folk culture, language and history, were banned in an attempt to eradicate Korean culture and identity.[6] Koreans were forced to adopt Japanese names and worship at Shinto shrines; Korean-language newspapers and magazines were banned; and during the war, hundreds of thousands of Koreans were forced into service to support Japanese war efforts.[7] The Japanese efforts ranged from damaging alterations to monuments of Korean conquests/achievements to facile alterations such as changing the image of Korea's traditional map from a tiger form to a rabbit form.[8] The Japanese leadership of the time believed that by blocking the knowledge of younger Koreans, they could be led to believe they were not warriors in history but a passive race, and so the occupation would be easier.[8] Historians of the time have stated, "Teachers of Japanese martial arts were the only approved instructors. This situation began the amalgamation of Japanese martial arts with the remaining fragments of the Korean systems still in general circulation."[8] Martial arts such as taekkyeon (or subak) were banned during this time.[9]
During the occupation, Koreans who were able to study in Japan were exposed to Japanese martial arts—in some cases receiving black belt ranking in these arts.[10] Others were exposed to martial arts in China and Manchuria.[11][12][13] When the occupation ended in 1945, Korean martial arts schools (kwans) began to open in Korea under various influences.[11][14] There are differing views on the origins of the arts taught in these schools. Some believe that they taught martial arts that were based primarily upon the traditional Korean martial arts taekkyon and subak,[15][16][17][18][19][20][21] or that taekwondo was derived from native Korean martial arts with influences from neighboring countries.[11][22][23][24][25][26] Still others believe that these schools taught arts that were almost entirely based upon karate.[27][28][29][29][30]
In 1952, at the height of the Korean War, there was a martial arts exhibition in which the kwans displayed their skills. In one demonstration, Nam Tae Hi smashed 13 roof tiles with a punch. Following this demonstration, South Korean President Syngman Rhee instructed Choi Hong Hi to introduce the martial arts to the Korean army.[31] By the mid-1950s, nine kwans had emerged. Syngman Rhee ordered that the various schools unify under a single system. The name "taekwondo" was either submitted by Choi Hong Hi (of the Oh Do Kwan) or Song Duk Son (of the Chung Do Kwan), and was accepted on April 11, 1955. As it stands today, the nine kwans are the founders of taekwondo,[32] though not all the kwans used the name. The Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA) was formed in 1959/1961 to facilitate the unification.[10][17][33][34][35] Shortly thereafter, taekwondo made its début worldwide with assignment of the original masters of taekwondo to various countries. Standardization efforts in South Korea stalled, as the kwans continued to teach differing styles. Another request from the Korean government for unification resulted in the formation of the Korea Tae Soo Do Association, which changed its name back to the Korea Taekwondo Association in 1965 following a change of leadership.
One source has estimated that taekwondo is practiced in 123 countries, with over 30 million practitioners and 3 million individuals with black belts throughout the world.[36] The South Korean government has published an estimate that taekwondo is practiced by 70 million people in 190 countries.[37] It is now one of only two Asian martial arts (the other being judo) that are included in the Olympic Games; it became a demonstration event starting with the 1988 games in Seoul, and became an official medal event starting with the 2000 games in Sydney. In 2010, taekwondo was accepted as a Commonwealth Games sport.[38] It is therefore now included in all major multi-sport games except the Island Games.[citation needed]
Master Scott Leonard demonstrating a jumping reverse hook kickSee also: List of Taekwondo techniques and Kick
Taekwondo is known for its emphasis on kicking techniques, which distinguishes it from martial arts such as karate or southern styles of kung fu. The rationale is that the leg is the longest and strongest weapon a martial artist has, and kicks thus have the greatest potential to execute powerful strikes without successful retaliation. Historically, the Koreans thought that the hands were too valuable to be used in combat.[citation needed]
Taekwondo as a martial art is popular with people of both genders and of many ages. Physically, taekwondo develops strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina. An example of the union of mental and physical discipline is the breaking of wooden boards, which requires both physical mastery of the technique and the concentration to focus one's power.
A taekwondo student typically wears a uniform (dobok 도복), often white but sometimes black (or other colors), with a belt (tti 띠) tied around the waist. There are at least three major styles of dobok, with the most obvious differences being in the style of jacket: (1) the cross-over front jacket that resembles traditional Asian clothing, (2) the V-neck jacket (no cross-over) typically worn by WTF practitioners, and (3) the vertical-closing front jacket (no cross-over) typically worn by ITF practitioners. The belt colour and any insignia thereon (if any) indicate the student's rank. In general, the darker the colour, the higher the rank. The school or place where instruction is given is called the dojang 도장.
Taekwondo, along with many other martial arts, is traditionally performed in bare feet, though there are specialist training shoes that can sometimes be worn.
Although each taekwondo club or school will be different, a taekwondo student can typically expect to take part in most or all of the following:
Learning the techniques and curriculum of taekwondo
Both anaerobic and aerobic workout, including stretching
Self-defense techniques (hosinsul 호신술)
Patterns (also called forms, pumsae 품새, teul 틀, hyeong 형)
Sparring (called gyeorugi 겨루기, or matseogi 맞서기 in the ITF), which may include 7-, 3-, 2- and 1-step sparring, free-style sparring, arranged sparring, point sparring, and other types
Relaxation and meditation exercises
Throwing and/or falling techniques (deonjigi 던지기 and tteoreojigi 떨어지기)
Breaking (gyeokpa 격파 or weerok), using techniques to break boards for testing, training and martial arts demonstrations. Demonstrations often also incorporate bricks, tiles, blocks of ice or other materials. Can be separated into three types:
Power breaking – using straightforward techniques to break as many boards as possible
Speed breaking – boards are held loosely by one edge, putting special focus on the speed required to perform the break
Special techniques – breaking fewer boards but using jumping or flying techniques to attain greater heights, distances, or to clear obstacles
Exams to progress to the next rank
A focus on mental and ethical discipline, justice, etiquette, respect, and self-confidence
Some schools teach the use of the "sine wave" when performing patterns; this involves raising one's center of gravity between techniques, then lowering it as the technique is performed, producing the up-and-down movement from which the term "sine wave" is derived. Other schools teach that one's center of gravity should remain generally constant throughout the performance of a pattern except where the pattern's description states otherwise.
[edit] Organizations
Two of the most popular systems of taekwondo are named solely after their respective organizations, the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) and the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF), which is closely associated with the Kukkiwon. The ITF was founded in 1966 by Choi Hong Hi. After Choi's death in 2002, a number of succession disputes splintered the ITF into three different groups, all claiming to be the original. These three bodies are all private organizations. Two are located in Austria and one in Canada. The unofficial training headquarters of the ITF is located at the Taekwondo Palace in Pyongyang, North Korea, and was founded in the mid-1990s.
Four concrete paving bricks broken with a knife-hand strike. Breaking techniques are often practiced in taekwondo.The Korea Taekwondo Association Central Dojang was opened in South Korea in 1972. A few months later, the name was changed to the Kukkiwon. The following year, the World Taekwondo Federation was formed. The International Olympic Committee recognized the WTF and taekwondo sparring in 1980.
Although the terms "WTF" and "Kukkiwon" are often mistakenly used interchangeably, the Kukkiwon is a completely different organization which trains and certifies instructors and issues official dan and pum certificates worldwide. The Kukkiwon has its own unique physical building that contains the administrative offices of Kukkiwon (World Taekwondo Headquarters) in Seoul, South Korea and is the system of taekwondo. The WTF is a tournament committee and is not technically a style or a system.
There are many other private organizations, such as the World Traditional Taekwondo Union promoting the Songahm style of taekwondo and Rhee Taekwon-Do teaching the military style of taekwondo. Events and competitions held by private organizations are mostly closed to other taekwondo students. However, the WTF-sanctioned events allow any person, regardless of school affiliation or martial arts style, to compete in WTF events as long as he or she is a member of the WTF Member National Association in his or her nation, which is open to anyone to join. The major technical differences among these many organizations revolve around the patterns, called hyeong 형, pumsae 품새, or teul 틀, sets of prescribed formal sequences of movements that demonstrate mastery of posture, positioning, and technique, sparring rules for competition, and philosophy.
In addition to these private organizations, the original schools (kwans) that formed the organization that would eventually become the Kukkiwon continue to exist as independent fraternal membership organizations that support the WTF and the Kukkiwon. The official curriculum of the kwans is that of the Kukkiwon. The kwans also function as a channel for the issuing of Kukkiwon dan and pum certification (black belt ranks) for their members.
Ranks, belts, and promotion
Taekwondo ranks are typically separated into "junior" and "senior," or "student" and "instructor," sections. The junior section typically consists of ten ranks indicated by the Korean word geup 급 (also Romanized as gup or kup). The junior ranks are usually identified by belts of various colors, depending on the school, so these ranks are sometimes called "color belts". Geup rank may be indicated by stripes on belts rather than by colored belts. Students begin at tenth geup (often indicated by a white belt) and advance toward first geup (often indicated by a red belt with a black stripe).
The senior section is typically made up of nine ranks. These ranks are called dan 단, also referred to as "black belts" or "degrees" (as in "third dan" or "third-degree black belt"). Black belts begin at first degree and advance to second, third, and so on. The degree is often indicated on the belt itself with stripes, Roman numerals, or other methods; but sometimes black belts are plain and unadorned regardless of rank.
To advance from one rank to the next, students typically complete promotion tests in which they demonstrate their proficiency in the various aspects of the art before a panel of judges or their teacher. Promotion tests vary from school to school, but may include such elements as the execution of patterns, which combine various techniques in specific sequences; the breaking of boards to demonstrate the ability to use techniques with both power and control; sparring and self-defense to demonstrate the practical application and control of techniques; and answering questions on terminology, concepts and history to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art. For higher dan tests, students are sometimes required to take a written test or submit a research paper in addition to taking the practical test.
Promotion from one geup to the next can proceed rapidly in some schools, since schools often allow geup promotions every two, three, or four months. Students of geup rank learn the most basic techniques first, then move on to more advanced techniques as they approach first dan. Many of the older and more traditional schools often take longer to allow students to test for higher ranks than newer, more contemporary schools, as they may not have the required testing intervals.
In contrast, promotion from one dan to the next can take years. The general rule is that a black belt may advance from one rank to the next only after the number of years equivalent to the current rank. For example, a newly-promoted third-degree black belt may not be allowed to advance to fourth-degree until three years have passed. Some organizations also have age requirements related to dan promotions, and may grant younger students pum 품 (junior black belt) ranks rather than dan ranks until they reach a certain age.
Black belt ranks may have titles associated with them, such as "master" and "instructor" but taekwondo organizations vary widely in rules and standards when it comes to ranks and titles. What holds true in one organization may not hold true in another, as is the case in many martial art systems. For example, achieving first dan ranking with three years' training might be typical in one organization, but fast in another organization, and likewise for other ranks. Similarly, the title for a given dan rank in one organization might not be the same as the title for that dan rank in another organization.
In the International Taekwon-Do Federation, instructors holding 1st to 3rd dan are called Boosabum (assistant instructor), those holding 4th to 6th dan are called Sabum (Instructor), those holding 7th to 8th dan are called Sahyun (master), and those holding 9th dan are called Saseong (grand master).[39] This system does not, however, necessarily apply to other taekwondo organizations.
Since taekwondo developed in several different kwans, there are several different expressions of taekwondo philosophy. For example, the tenets of the ITF are said to be summed up by the last two phrases in the ITF Student Oath: "I shall be a champion of justice and freedom" and "I shall build a better and more peaceful world."[40] Alternatively, the Kukkiwon philosophy, the Han Philosophy, is based on Eastern principles of samje (삼제, three elements), eum (음, yin; negative or darkness) and yang (양, positive or brightness) with samjae referring to cheon (천, sky or heaven), ji (지, the earth), and in (인, a man or a person). The origins of these concepts originate from the Chinese classic "I Ching" which is considered to be an important part of the canon of East Asian Philosophy.[41]
Taekwondo competition typically involves sparring, breaking, patterns, and self-defense (hosinsul). In Olympic taekwondo competition, however, only sparring (using WTF competition rules) is contested.[42]
World Taekwondo Federation
Official WTF trunk protector (hogu), forearm guards and shin guardsUnder World Taekwondo Federation and Olympic rules, sparring is a full-contact event and takes place between two competitors in an area measuring 8 meters square.[43] Each match consists of three semi-continuous rounds of contact, with one minute's rest between rounds. There are two age categories: 14–17 years and 18 years and older.
Points are awarded for permitted, accurate, and powerful techniques to the legal scoring areas; light contact does not score any points. In most competitions, points are awarded by four corner judges using electronic scoring tallies. Several A-Class tournaments, however, are now trialling electronic scoring equipment contained within competitors' body protectors. This limits corner judges to scoring only attacks to the head. Recent controversy concerning judging decisions has prompted this to an extent,[citation needed] but this technology is still not universally preferred. Beginning in 2009, a kick or punch that makes contact with the opponent's hogu (the body guard that functions as a scoring target) scores one point; if a kick to the hogu involved a technique that includes fully turning the attacking competitor's body, so that the back is fully exposed to the targeted competitor during execution of the technique, an additional point is awarded; a kick to the head scores three points; as of October 2010 an additional point is awarded if a turning kick was used to execute this attack[44]. Punches to the head are not allowed. As of March 2010, no additional points are awarded for knocking down an opponent (beyond the normal points awarded for legal strikes).[45]
At the end of three rounds, the competitor with more points wins the match. In the event of a tie at the end of three rounds, a fourth "sudden death" overtime round will be held to determine the winner after a one minute rest period. If there is no score in the additional round the winner shall be decided by superiority as determined by the refereeing officials.[44]
Until 2008, if one competitor gained a 7-point lead over the other, or if one competitor reached a total of 12 points, then that competitor was immediately declared the winner and the match ended. These rules were abolished by the WTF at the start of 2009.[46] In October 2010 the WTF reintroduced a point gap rule. Under the new rule if a competitor has a 12 point lead at the end of the second round or achieves a 12 point lead at any point in the 3rd round then the match is over and the athlete in the lead is declared the winner.[44]
Blows are full force; if one competitor is knocked out by a legal attack, the attacking competitor is declared the winner, since the WTF allows knockouts in sparring competition. There are certain rules that they must follow, however; some rules condemn name calling, punches to the head, grabbing, and more.[citation needed]
International Taekwon-Do Federation
Common styles of ITF sparring equipmentThe International Taekwon-Do Federation's sparring rules are similar to the WTF's rules, but differ in several aspects. Hand attacks to the head are allowed; kicks to the body give two points and kicks to the head give three points; the competition area is slightly bigger (9 meters square instead of 8 meters square); and competitors do not wear the hogu (although they are required to wear approved foot and hand protection equipment). A continuous point system is utilized in ITF competition, where the fighters are allowed to continue after scoring a technique. Full-force blows are not allowed (and will result in deduction of points), and knockouts are not allowed. At the end of two minutes (or some other specified time) the competitor with more scoring techniques wins.[47]
ITF competitions also feature performances of patterns, breaking, and 'special techniques' (where competitors perform prescribed board breaks at great heights).[47]
Other organizations
US Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) competitions are very similar, except that different styles of pads and gear are allowed. Any gear that has the Olympic symbol and not the WTF logo on it is approved.[citation needed]
Apart from WTF and ITF tournaments, major taekwondo competitions include:
Olympic Games
Asian Games
South East Asian Games
South Asian Games
[edit] Safety
Although taekwondo competitors have an apparently substantial risk of injury, most injuries are minor.[citation needed] The leg is the most common location for injuries, and bruising is the most common injury type. A 2008 meta-analysis reported that an average of about 8% of competitors are injured, per exposure to competition; age, gender, and level of play did not significantly affect the injury rate.[48]
Korean commands
In taekwondo, Korean language commands are often used. For words used in counting, see Korean numerals. Often, students count in Korean during their class, and during tests they are usually asked what certain Korean words (used in class) mean.
In 1989, taekwondo was the world's most popular martial art, as measured by the number of practitioners.[1] Its popularity has resulted in the varied development of the martial art into several domains: as with many other arts, it combines combat techniques, self-defense, sport, exercise, meditation, and philosophy. Taekwondo is also used by the South Korean military as part of its training.[2] Gyeorugi (pronounced [ɡjʌɾuɡi]), a type of sparring, has been an Olympic event since 2000.
Formally, there are two main styles of taekwondo. One comes from the Kukkiwon, the source of the sparring system sihap gyeorugi which is now an event at the summer Olympic Games and which is governed by the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). The other comes from the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF).[3]
Separate from the various taekwondo organizations, there have been two general branches of taekwondo development: traditional and sport. The term "traditional taekwondo" typically refers to the martial art as it was established in the 1950s and 1960s in the South Korean military forces; in particular, the names and symbolism of the traditional patterns often refer to elements of Korean history. Sport taekwondo has evolved in the decades since then and has a somewhat different focus, especially in terms of its emphasis on speed and competition (as in Olympic sparring), whereas traditional taekwondo tends to emphasize power and self-defense. The two are not mutually exclusive, and the distinctions between them are often blurred.
Although there are doctrinal and technical differences between the two main styles and among the various organizations, the art in general emphasizes kicks thrown from a mobile stance, employing the leg's greater reach and power (compared to the arm). The greatest difference between various styles, or at least the most obvious, is generally accepted to be the differing styles and rules of sport and competition. Taekwondo training generally includes a system of blocks, kicks, punches, and open-handed strikes and may also include various take-downs or sweeps, throws, and joint locks. Some taekwondo instructors also incorporate the use of pressure points, known as jiapsul, as well as grabbing self-defense techniques borrowed from other martial arts, such as hapkido and judo.
The oldest Korean martial art was an amalgamation of unarmed combat styles developed by the three rival Korean kingdoms of Goguryeo, Silla, and Baekje,[4] where young men were trained in unarmed combat techniques to develop strength, speed, and survival skills. The most popular of these techniques was subak, with taekkyeon being the most popular of the segments of subak. Those who demonstrated strong natural aptitude were selected as trainees in the new special warrior corps, called the Hwarang. It was believed that young men with a talent for the liberal arts may have the grace to become competent warriors. These warriors were instructed in academics as well as martial arts, learning philosophy, history, a code of ethics, and equestrian sports. Their military training included an extensive weapons program involving swordsmanship and archery, both on horseback and on foot, as well as lessons in military tactics and unarmed combat using subak. Although subak was a leg-oriented art in Goguryeo, Silla's influence added hand techniques to the practice of subak.[citation needed]
During this time a few select Sillan warriors were given training in taekkyeon by the early masters from Koguryo. These warriors then became known as the Hwarang. The Hwarang set up a military academy for the sons of royalty in Silla called Hwarang-do, which means "the way of flowering manhood." The Hwarang studied taekkyeon, history, Confucian philosophy, ethics, Buddhist morality, social skills and military tactics. The guiding principles of the Hwarang warriors were based on Won Gwang's five codes of human conduct and included loyalty, filial duty, trustworthiness, valor and justice. Taekkyeon was spread throughout Korea because the Hwarang traveled all around the peninsula to learn about the other regions and people.[citation needed]
In spite of Korea's rich history of ancient and traditional martial arts, Korean martial arts faded into obscurity during the Joseon Dynasty. Korean society became highly centralized under Korean Confucianism and martial arts were poorly regarded in a society whose ideals were epitomized by its scholar-kings.[5] Formal practices of traditional martial arts such as subak and taekkyeon were reserved for sanctioned military uses. Civilian practice of taekkyeon, however, persisted into the 20th century.[4]
Modern development
During the Japanese occupation of Korea, all facets of Korean identity, including folk culture, language and history, were banned in an attempt to eradicate Korean culture and identity.[6] Koreans were forced to adopt Japanese names and worship at Shinto shrines; Korean-language newspapers and magazines were banned; and during the war, hundreds of thousands of Koreans were forced into service to support Japanese war efforts.[7] The Japanese efforts ranged from damaging alterations to monuments of Korean conquests/achievements to facile alterations such as changing the image of Korea's traditional map from a tiger form to a rabbit form.[8] The Japanese leadership of the time believed that by blocking the knowledge of younger Koreans, they could be led to believe they were not warriors in history but a passive race, and so the occupation would be easier.[8] Historians of the time have stated, "Teachers of Japanese martial arts were the only approved instructors. This situation began the amalgamation of Japanese martial arts with the remaining fragments of the Korean systems still in general circulation."[8] Martial arts such as taekkyeon (or subak) were banned during this time.[9]
During the occupation, Koreans who were able to study in Japan were exposed to Japanese martial arts—in some cases receiving black belt ranking in these arts.[10] Others were exposed to martial arts in China and Manchuria.[11][12][13] When the occupation ended in 1945, Korean martial arts schools (kwans) began to open in Korea under various influences.[11][14] There are differing views on the origins of the arts taught in these schools. Some believe that they taught martial arts that were based primarily upon the traditional Korean martial arts taekkyon and subak,[15][16][17][18][19][20][21] or that taekwondo was derived from native Korean martial arts with influences from neighboring countries.[11][22][23][24][25][26] Still others believe that these schools taught arts that were almost entirely based upon karate.[27][28][29][29][30]
In 1952, at the height of the Korean War, there was a martial arts exhibition in which the kwans displayed their skills. In one demonstration, Nam Tae Hi smashed 13 roof tiles with a punch. Following this demonstration, South Korean President Syngman Rhee instructed Choi Hong Hi to introduce the martial arts to the Korean army.[31] By the mid-1950s, nine kwans had emerged. Syngman Rhee ordered that the various schools unify under a single system. The name "taekwondo" was either submitted by Choi Hong Hi (of the Oh Do Kwan) or Song Duk Son (of the Chung Do Kwan), and was accepted on April 11, 1955. As it stands today, the nine kwans are the founders of taekwondo,[32] though not all the kwans used the name. The Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA) was formed in 1959/1961 to facilitate the unification.[10][17][33][34][35] Shortly thereafter, taekwondo made its début worldwide with assignment of the original masters of taekwondo to various countries. Standardization efforts in South Korea stalled, as the kwans continued to teach differing styles. Another request from the Korean government for unification resulted in the formation of the Korea Tae Soo Do Association, which changed its name back to the Korea Taekwondo Association in 1965 following a change of leadership.
One source has estimated that taekwondo is practiced in 123 countries, with over 30 million practitioners and 3 million individuals with black belts throughout the world.[36] The South Korean government has published an estimate that taekwondo is practiced by 70 million people in 190 countries.[37] It is now one of only two Asian martial arts (the other being judo) that are included in the Olympic Games; it became a demonstration event starting with the 1988 games in Seoul, and became an official medal event starting with the 2000 games in Sydney. In 2010, taekwondo was accepted as a Commonwealth Games sport.[38] It is therefore now included in all major multi-sport games except the Island Games.[citation needed]
Master Scott Leonard demonstrating a jumping reverse hook kickSee also: List of Taekwondo techniques and Kick
Taekwondo is known for its emphasis on kicking techniques, which distinguishes it from martial arts such as karate or southern styles of kung fu. The rationale is that the leg is the longest and strongest weapon a martial artist has, and kicks thus have the greatest potential to execute powerful strikes without successful retaliation. Historically, the Koreans thought that the hands were too valuable to be used in combat.[citation needed]
Taekwondo as a martial art is popular with people of both genders and of many ages. Physically, taekwondo develops strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina. An example of the union of mental and physical discipline is the breaking of wooden boards, which requires both physical mastery of the technique and the concentration to focus one's power.
A taekwondo student typically wears a uniform (dobok 도복), often white but sometimes black (or other colors), with a belt (tti 띠) tied around the waist. There are at least three major styles of dobok, with the most obvious differences being in the style of jacket: (1) the cross-over front jacket that resembles traditional Asian clothing, (2) the V-neck jacket (no cross-over) typically worn by WTF practitioners, and (3) the vertical-closing front jacket (no cross-over) typically worn by ITF practitioners. The belt colour and any insignia thereon (if any) indicate the student's rank. In general, the darker the colour, the higher the rank. The school or place where instruction is given is called the dojang 도장.
Taekwondo, along with many other martial arts, is traditionally performed in bare feet, though there are specialist training shoes that can sometimes be worn.
Although each taekwondo club or school will be different, a taekwondo student can typically expect to take part in most or all of the following:
Learning the techniques and curriculum of taekwondo
Both anaerobic and aerobic workout, including stretching
Self-defense techniques (hosinsul 호신술)
Patterns (also called forms, pumsae 품새, teul 틀, hyeong 형)
Sparring (called gyeorugi 겨루기, or matseogi 맞서기 in the ITF), which may include 7-, 3-, 2- and 1-step sparring, free-style sparring, arranged sparring, point sparring, and other types
Relaxation and meditation exercises
Throwing and/or falling techniques (deonjigi 던지기 and tteoreojigi 떨어지기)
Breaking (gyeokpa 격파 or weerok), using techniques to break boards for testing, training and martial arts demonstrations. Demonstrations often also incorporate bricks, tiles, blocks of ice or other materials. Can be separated into three types:
Power breaking – using straightforward techniques to break as many boards as possible
Speed breaking – boards are held loosely by one edge, putting special focus on the speed required to perform the break
Special techniques – breaking fewer boards but using jumping or flying techniques to attain greater heights, distances, or to clear obstacles
Exams to progress to the next rank
A focus on mental and ethical discipline, justice, etiquette, respect, and self-confidence
Some schools teach the use of the "sine wave" when performing patterns; this involves raising one's center of gravity between techniques, then lowering it as the technique is performed, producing the up-and-down movement from which the term "sine wave" is derived. Other schools teach that one's center of gravity should remain generally constant throughout the performance of a pattern except where the pattern's description states otherwise.
[edit] Organizations
Two of the most popular systems of taekwondo are named solely after their respective organizations, the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) and the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF), which is closely associated with the Kukkiwon. The ITF was founded in 1966 by Choi Hong Hi. After Choi's death in 2002, a number of succession disputes splintered the ITF into three different groups, all claiming to be the original. These three bodies are all private organizations. Two are located in Austria and one in Canada. The unofficial training headquarters of the ITF is located at the Taekwondo Palace in Pyongyang, North Korea, and was founded in the mid-1990s.
Four concrete paving bricks broken with a knife-hand strike. Breaking techniques are often practiced in taekwondo.The Korea Taekwondo Association Central Dojang was opened in South Korea in 1972. A few months later, the name was changed to the Kukkiwon. The following year, the World Taekwondo Federation was formed. The International Olympic Committee recognized the WTF and taekwondo sparring in 1980.
Although the terms "WTF" and "Kukkiwon" are often mistakenly used interchangeably, the Kukkiwon is a completely different organization which trains and certifies instructors and issues official dan and pum certificates worldwide. The Kukkiwon has its own unique physical building that contains the administrative offices of Kukkiwon (World Taekwondo Headquarters) in Seoul, South Korea and is the system of taekwondo. The WTF is a tournament committee and is not technically a style or a system.
There are many other private organizations, such as the World Traditional Taekwondo Union promoting the Songahm style of taekwondo and Rhee Taekwon-Do teaching the military style of taekwondo. Events and competitions held by private organizations are mostly closed to other taekwondo students. However, the WTF-sanctioned events allow any person, regardless of school affiliation or martial arts style, to compete in WTF events as long as he or she is a member of the WTF Member National Association in his or her nation, which is open to anyone to join. The major technical differences among these many organizations revolve around the patterns, called hyeong 형, pumsae 품새, or teul 틀, sets of prescribed formal sequences of movements that demonstrate mastery of posture, positioning, and technique, sparring rules for competition, and philosophy.
In addition to these private organizations, the original schools (kwans) that formed the organization that would eventually become the Kukkiwon continue to exist as independent fraternal membership organizations that support the WTF and the Kukkiwon. The official curriculum of the kwans is that of the Kukkiwon. The kwans also function as a channel for the issuing of Kukkiwon dan and pum certification (black belt ranks) for their members.
Ranks, belts, and promotion
Taekwondo ranks are typically separated into "junior" and "senior," or "student" and "instructor," sections. The junior section typically consists of ten ranks indicated by the Korean word geup 급 (also Romanized as gup or kup). The junior ranks are usually identified by belts of various colors, depending on the school, so these ranks are sometimes called "color belts". Geup rank may be indicated by stripes on belts rather than by colored belts. Students begin at tenth geup (often indicated by a white belt) and advance toward first geup (often indicated by a red belt with a black stripe).
The senior section is typically made up of nine ranks. These ranks are called dan 단, also referred to as "black belts" or "degrees" (as in "third dan" or "third-degree black belt"). Black belts begin at first degree and advance to second, third, and so on. The degree is often indicated on the belt itself with stripes, Roman numerals, or other methods; but sometimes black belts are plain and unadorned regardless of rank.
To advance from one rank to the next, students typically complete promotion tests in which they demonstrate their proficiency in the various aspects of the art before a panel of judges or their teacher. Promotion tests vary from school to school, but may include such elements as the execution of patterns, which combine various techniques in specific sequences; the breaking of boards to demonstrate the ability to use techniques with both power and control; sparring and self-defense to demonstrate the practical application and control of techniques; and answering questions on terminology, concepts and history to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art. For higher dan tests, students are sometimes required to take a written test or submit a research paper in addition to taking the practical test.
Promotion from one geup to the next can proceed rapidly in some schools, since schools often allow geup promotions every two, three, or four months. Students of geup rank learn the most basic techniques first, then move on to more advanced techniques as they approach first dan. Many of the older and more traditional schools often take longer to allow students to test for higher ranks than newer, more contemporary schools, as they may not have the required testing intervals.
In contrast, promotion from one dan to the next can take years. The general rule is that a black belt may advance from one rank to the next only after the number of years equivalent to the current rank. For example, a newly-promoted third-degree black belt may not be allowed to advance to fourth-degree until three years have passed. Some organizations also have age requirements related to dan promotions, and may grant younger students pum 품 (junior black belt) ranks rather than dan ranks until they reach a certain age.
Black belt ranks may have titles associated with them, such as "master" and "instructor" but taekwondo organizations vary widely in rules and standards when it comes to ranks and titles. What holds true in one organization may not hold true in another, as is the case in many martial art systems. For example, achieving first dan ranking with three years' training might be typical in one organization, but fast in another organization, and likewise for other ranks. Similarly, the title for a given dan rank in one organization might not be the same as the title for that dan rank in another organization.
In the International Taekwon-Do Federation, instructors holding 1st to 3rd dan are called Boosabum (assistant instructor), those holding 4th to 6th dan are called Sabum (Instructor), those holding 7th to 8th dan are called Sahyun (master), and those holding 9th dan are called Saseong (grand master).[39] This system does not, however, necessarily apply to other taekwondo organizations.
Since taekwondo developed in several different kwans, there are several different expressions of taekwondo philosophy. For example, the tenets of the ITF are said to be summed up by the last two phrases in the ITF Student Oath: "I shall be a champion of justice and freedom" and "I shall build a better and more peaceful world."[40] Alternatively, the Kukkiwon philosophy, the Han Philosophy, is based on Eastern principles of samje (삼제, three elements), eum (음, yin; negative or darkness) and yang (양, positive or brightness) with samjae referring to cheon (천, sky or heaven), ji (지, the earth), and in (인, a man or a person). The origins of these concepts originate from the Chinese classic "I Ching" which is considered to be an important part of the canon of East Asian Philosophy.[41]
Taekwondo competition typically involves sparring, breaking, patterns, and self-defense (hosinsul). In Olympic taekwondo competition, however, only sparring (using WTF competition rules) is contested.[42]
World Taekwondo Federation
Official WTF trunk protector (hogu), forearm guards and shin guardsUnder World Taekwondo Federation and Olympic rules, sparring is a full-contact event and takes place between two competitors in an area measuring 8 meters square.[43] Each match consists of three semi-continuous rounds of contact, with one minute's rest between rounds. There are two age categories: 14–17 years and 18 years and older.
Points are awarded for permitted, accurate, and powerful techniques to the legal scoring areas; light contact does not score any points. In most competitions, points are awarded by four corner judges using electronic scoring tallies. Several A-Class tournaments, however, are now trialling electronic scoring equipment contained within competitors' body protectors. This limits corner judges to scoring only attacks to the head. Recent controversy concerning judging decisions has prompted this to an extent,[citation needed] but this technology is still not universally preferred. Beginning in 2009, a kick or punch that makes contact with the opponent's hogu (the body guard that functions as a scoring target) scores one point; if a kick to the hogu involved a technique that includes fully turning the attacking competitor's body, so that the back is fully exposed to the targeted competitor during execution of the technique, an additional point is awarded; a kick to the head scores three points; as of October 2010 an additional point is awarded if a turning kick was used to execute this attack[44]. Punches to the head are not allowed. As of March 2010, no additional points are awarded for knocking down an opponent (beyond the normal points awarded for legal strikes).[45]
At the end of three rounds, the competitor with more points wins the match. In the event of a tie at the end of three rounds, a fourth "sudden death" overtime round will be held to determine the winner after a one minute rest period. If there is no score in the additional round the winner shall be decided by superiority as determined by the refereeing officials.[44]
Until 2008, if one competitor gained a 7-point lead over the other, or if one competitor reached a total of 12 points, then that competitor was immediately declared the winner and the match ended. These rules were abolished by the WTF at the start of 2009.[46] In October 2010 the WTF reintroduced a point gap rule. Under the new rule if a competitor has a 12 point lead at the end of the second round or achieves a 12 point lead at any point in the 3rd round then the match is over and the athlete in the lead is declared the winner.[44]
Blows are full force; if one competitor is knocked out by a legal attack, the attacking competitor is declared the winner, since the WTF allows knockouts in sparring competition. There are certain rules that they must follow, however; some rules condemn name calling, punches to the head, grabbing, and more.[citation needed]
International Taekwon-Do Federation
Common styles of ITF sparring equipmentThe International Taekwon-Do Federation's sparring rules are similar to the WTF's rules, but differ in several aspects. Hand attacks to the head are allowed; kicks to the body give two points and kicks to the head give three points; the competition area is slightly bigger (9 meters square instead of 8 meters square); and competitors do not wear the hogu (although they are required to wear approved foot and hand protection equipment). A continuous point system is utilized in ITF competition, where the fighters are allowed to continue after scoring a technique. Full-force blows are not allowed (and will result in deduction of points), and knockouts are not allowed. At the end of two minutes (or some other specified time) the competitor with more scoring techniques wins.[47]
ITF competitions also feature performances of patterns, breaking, and 'special techniques' (where competitors perform prescribed board breaks at great heights).[47]
Other organizations
US Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) competitions are very similar, except that different styles of pads and gear are allowed. Any gear that has the Olympic symbol and not the WTF logo on it is approved.[citation needed]
Apart from WTF and ITF tournaments, major taekwondo competitions include:
Olympic Games
Asian Games
South East Asian Games
South Asian Games
[edit] Safety
Although taekwondo competitors have an apparently substantial risk of injury, most injuries are minor.[citation needed] The leg is the most common location for injuries, and bruising is the most common injury type. A 2008 meta-analysis reported that an average of about 8% of competitors are injured, per exposure to competition; age, gender, and level of play did not significantly affect the injury rate.[48]
Korean commands
In taekwondo, Korean language commands are often used. For words used in counting, see Korean numerals. Often, students count in Korean during their class, and during tests they are usually asked what certain Korean words (used in class) mean.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Lion King

Every Disney movie is full of incredible life lessons. That's one of the reasons why they not only sell big year in and year out but kids and adults are typically spell bound and mesmerized when they watch them.
After last nights viewing of the Lion King I have to admit I was held captive by the lessons
Here are three you can use in your life.
1. Just because someone says it's your fault doesn't mean it is.
After Mufasa, Simba's father died in the stampede in the gully, Scar devised his plan and told Simba that his father's death was his fault. He told Simba to run away and when he did he sent the Hyena's to kill him.
All because he wanted to be king.
Remember, there are some bad people out there only looking out for their own interest. If bad things happen to you they are not always your fault but they are your responsibility to change if you don't like them.
2. You develop new beliefs almost every day.
As Simba grew up with Timon and Pumba he learned and adopted a new belief and mantra, "Hakuna Matata". "No Worries".
Later on he realized that his understanding of "No Worries" was really holding him back from being his true self, The King of the Pride Land.
Don't be afraid to grow with your thoughts even when you change in the process
3. A coach can really help you see the true you.
Rafiki is a wise old baboon that knows what he knows. He was the humble adviser to Mufasa before he died and to Simba after he becomes King.
He's very instrumental in showing Simba who he truly is and what he's capable of achieving when he harnesses his internal powers.
Sound advice from a monkey... "look within". Sometimes the only way you can see your faults is to have someone you trust look at you from an external view point and give you feedback.
It's best to acquire a trusted adviser/coach that has your best interest in heart and mind.
After last nights viewing of the Lion King I have to admit I was held captive by the lessons
Here are three you can use in your life.
1. Just because someone says it's your fault doesn't mean it is.
After Mufasa, Simba's father died in the stampede in the gully, Scar devised his plan and told Simba that his father's death was his fault. He told Simba to run away and when he did he sent the Hyena's to kill him.
All because he wanted to be king.
Remember, there are some bad people out there only looking out for their own interest. If bad things happen to you they are not always your fault but they are your responsibility to change if you don't like them.
2. You develop new beliefs almost every day.
As Simba grew up with Timon and Pumba he learned and adopted a new belief and mantra, "Hakuna Matata". "No Worries".
Later on he realized that his understanding of "No Worries" was really holding him back from being his true self, The King of the Pride Land.
Don't be afraid to grow with your thoughts even when you change in the process
3. A coach can really help you see the true you.
Rafiki is a wise old baboon that knows what he knows. He was the humble adviser to Mufasa before he died and to Simba after he becomes King.
He's very instrumental in showing Simba who he truly is and what he's capable of achieving when he harnesses his internal powers.
Sound advice from a monkey... "look within". Sometimes the only way you can see your faults is to have someone you trust look at you from an external view point and give you feedback.
It's best to acquire a trusted adviser/coach that has your best interest in heart and mind.
At last even when Mufasa died he had full faith in his son that he will never break his father's trust and even rule the kingdom as he did with integrity and care for those under him.
So we can learn many things if we allow our self to see...Take a lesson from everything you watch, hear or see and think about it.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Remember Death Often

3:185 (Y. Ali) Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception.
3:185 (Y. Ali) Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception.
29:57 (Y. Ali) Every soul shall have a taste of death in the end to Us shall ye be brought back.
Ibn ‘Umar said, “The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, took me by the shoulder and said, ‘Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveller on the road.” Ibn ‘Umar used to say, “In the evening, do not anticipate the morning, and in the morning do not anticipate the evening. Take from your health for your illness and from your life for your death.” [al-Bukhari]
Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “Remember frequently the thing that cuts off pleasures,” i.e. death.” [at-Tirmidhi]
Benefits of remembering death often is a means of :
1. restraining hopes;
2. preparing for death;
3. non-attachment towards the world (which is the actual object);
4. to prevent amassing unused wealth;
5. helps to gather a treasure for the hereafter;
6. a thing which encourages repentance from sin and
7. a prevention from oppressing others and not fulfilling their rights.
source: Benefits of remembering death
3:185 (Y. Ali) Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception.
29:57 (Y. Ali) Every soul shall have a taste of death in the end to Us shall ye be brought back.
Ibn ‘Umar said, “The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, took me by the shoulder and said, ‘Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveller on the road.” Ibn ‘Umar used to say, “In the evening, do not anticipate the morning, and in the morning do not anticipate the evening. Take from your health for your illness and from your life for your death.” [al-Bukhari]
Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “Remember frequently the thing that cuts off pleasures,” i.e. death.” [at-Tirmidhi]
Benefits of remembering death often is a means of :
1. restraining hopes;
2. preparing for death;
3. non-attachment towards the world (which is the actual object);
4. to prevent amassing unused wealth;
5. helps to gather a treasure for the hereafter;
6. a thing which encourages repentance from sin and
7. a prevention from oppressing others and not fulfilling their rights.
source: Benefits of remembering death
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Say InshaAllah

76:30 (Y. Ali) But ye will not, except as Allah wills; for Allah is full of Knowledge and Wisdom.
18:23-24 (Y. Ali) Nor say of anything, “I shall be sure to do so and so tomorrow”- Without adding, “So please Allah.” and call thy Lord to mind when thou forgettest, and say, “I hope that my Lord will guide me ever closer (even) than this to the right road.”
22:18 (Y. Ali) Seest thou not that to Allah bow down in worship all things that are in the heavens and on earth,- the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees, the animals; and a great number among mankind? But a great number are (also) such as are fit for Punishment: and such as Allah shall disgrace,- None can raise to honour: for Allah carries out all that He wills.
28:27 (Y. Ali)… But I intend not to place thee under a difficulty: thou wilt find me, indeed, if Allah wills, one of the righteous.”
48:27 Truly did Allah fulfil the vision for His Messenger. ye shall enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah wills, with minds secure, heads shaved, hair cut short, and without fear. For He knew what ye knew not, and He granted, besides this, a speedy victory.
The Messenger of Allah (sallalahu alaihe wa-sallam) said: “Sulaiman Ibn Dawood (alaihimus-salaam) said: ‘Tonight I will go around to all my seventy wives (according to some reports it is ninety or one hundred wives) so that each one of them will give birth to a son who will fight for the sake of Allah.’ It was said to him, (according to one narration, an Angel said to him), say, ‘If Allah Wills.’ But he did not say it. He went around to the women but none of them gave birth except for one, who gave birth to a half-formed child.” The Messenger of Allah (sallalahu alaihe wa-sallam) said: “By the One, in Whose Hands is my soul, had he said, ’If Allah wills,’ he would not have broken his oath, and that would have helped him to attain what he wanted.” [Saheeh Muslim (vol. 3, no. 1275)]
Insha Allah! (Allah Willing) One of the teachings of Islam is that when we undertake a task, we should start by saying, ‘Insha Allah,’— Allah willing.
1. Allah willing (Insha Allah) is a phrase of great significance. Islam teaches us that whenever one embarks upon any venture, one should say, ‘if Allah wills’ before one begins. This is to acknowledge the reality that Allah alone is the Doer in this world.
2. A person can achieve his ends successfully only when Allah’s blessings are with him. Allah alone has the power to make things happen, as everything functions according to His will. Man can only wish for certain happenings, but occurrence rests with Allah alone.
3. When one thinks seriously of Allah’s all-powerfulness and his own total helplessness, such feelings find expression in the words, ‘Insha Allah.’ In this way he acknowledges that he can only make a beginning.
4. So far as the completion of the task is concerned, it lies entirely in Allah’s hands.
5. The phrase Insha Allah in its essence is a form of prayer. Beginning one’s work with Insha Allah is like seeking Allah’s company and when Allah, the Lord of the universe, accompanies us on our journey, who can stop us from reaching our destination.
source: Insha-Allah
18:23-24 (Y. Ali) Nor say of anything, “I shall be sure to do so and so tomorrow”- Without adding, “So please Allah.” and call thy Lord to mind when thou forgettest, and say, “I hope that my Lord will guide me ever closer (even) than this to the right road.”
22:18 (Y. Ali) Seest thou not that to Allah bow down in worship all things that are in the heavens and on earth,- the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees, the animals; and a great number among mankind? But a great number are (also) such as are fit for Punishment: and such as Allah shall disgrace,- None can raise to honour: for Allah carries out all that He wills.
28:27 (Y. Ali)… But I intend not to place thee under a difficulty: thou wilt find me, indeed, if Allah wills, one of the righteous.”
48:27 Truly did Allah fulfil the vision for His Messenger. ye shall enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah wills, with minds secure, heads shaved, hair cut short, and without fear. For He knew what ye knew not, and He granted, besides this, a speedy victory.
The Messenger of Allah (sallalahu alaihe wa-sallam) said: “Sulaiman Ibn Dawood (alaihimus-salaam) said: ‘Tonight I will go around to all my seventy wives (according to some reports it is ninety or one hundred wives) so that each one of them will give birth to a son who will fight for the sake of Allah.’ It was said to him, (according to one narration, an Angel said to him), say, ‘If Allah Wills.’ But he did not say it. He went around to the women but none of them gave birth except for one, who gave birth to a half-formed child.” The Messenger of Allah (sallalahu alaihe wa-sallam) said: “By the One, in Whose Hands is my soul, had he said, ’If Allah wills,’ he would not have broken his oath, and that would have helped him to attain what he wanted.” [Saheeh Muslim (vol. 3, no. 1275)]
Insha Allah! (Allah Willing) One of the teachings of Islam is that when we undertake a task, we should start by saying, ‘Insha Allah,’— Allah willing.
1. Allah willing (Insha Allah) is a phrase of great significance. Islam teaches us that whenever one embarks upon any venture, one should say, ‘if Allah wills’ before one begins. This is to acknowledge the reality that Allah alone is the Doer in this world.
2. A person can achieve his ends successfully only when Allah’s blessings are with him. Allah alone has the power to make things happen, as everything functions according to His will. Man can only wish for certain happenings, but occurrence rests with Allah alone.
3. When one thinks seriously of Allah’s all-powerfulness and his own total helplessness, such feelings find expression in the words, ‘Insha Allah.’ In this way he acknowledges that he can only make a beginning.
4. So far as the completion of the task is concerned, it lies entirely in Allah’s hands.
5. The phrase Insha Allah in its essence is a form of prayer. Beginning one’s work with Insha Allah is like seeking Allah’s company and when Allah, the Lord of the universe, accompanies us on our journey, who can stop us from reaching our destination.
source: Insha-Allah
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Halal & Haram Food Guide

Partial List of Halal (Lawful) Ingredients
Nartural - Additives
Citric Acid
Synthetic - Additives
Sodium Bicarbonate
Sodium Citrate
More Halal ingredients
Acetic Acid
Adipic Acid
Antioxidantants (BHA & BHT)
Arachidonic Acids (Fish)
Ascorbic Acid (Vit. C)
Baking Powder
Baking Soda
Benzoate (Benzoic Acid)
Butyric Acid
Calciferol (Vit. D3)
Calcium Acid Phosphate
Carbohydrates (Natural)
Chocolate Liquor
Citric Acid
Cocoa Butter
Corn Syrup Solids
Cream of tartar
Cultures (Microbes)
Firming Agents
Gallic Acid
Gliadin (Gluten) Glucose
Hydrogenated Oils
Lactic Acid
Malic Acid
Oxalic Acid
Phytic Acid
Propionic Acid
Propyl gallate
Smoke Flavorings
Sodium Aluminum Sulphate
Sorbic Acid
Sweeteners (Natural)
Tannic Acid
Vanilla Acid
Vitamin Tablets: (A, D, E, C)
Partial List of Haram (Unlawful) Ingredients
Alcoholic Beverages
Cider (Hard) (Alcohol)
D.E.S (sex Hormones)
Ethylene Oxide
Fermented Malt
Ham (Hog)
Insulin (Porcine)
Lard (Hog)
Pepsin (Hog)
Vanilla Extract (Alcohol)
Wine (Alcohol)
Partial List of Mash-Booh (Suspected) Ingredients
Mash-Booh Product Sources
Alanine Animal/Plants
Bile Salts Animal
Biotin Animal
Chelate Animal
Cholesterol Animal
Chymotrypsin Animal
Cobalamine Animal
Coloring Extract Health Reasons
Cures .
Cystein Animal
Cystine Animal
Diglycerides Animal/Plants
Disodium Inosinate Animal
Disodium Guanilate Animal
Diuretic Health Reasons
EDTA Health Reasons
Enrichement Animal/Plants (Mainly Plants)
Fatty Acids Animal/Plants
Folic Acid Animal/Plants
Gelatin Animal/Seaweeds
Glycerides Animal/Plants
Glycerol Animal
Hismatine Animal/Plants
Hormones Animal
Inositol Animal/Plants
Insulin Animal
Keratin Animal
Limit Dextrin Animal
Lipids Animal/Plants
Monoglycerides Animal/Plants
Niacin Animal/Plants
Nitrate Health reasons
Nitrite Health Reasons
Oleic Acid Animal/Plants
Para Amino Benzoic Acid Animal/Plants
Pepsin Animal
Phenyl Alanine Animal/Plants
Phospholipids Animal
Phosphoric Acid Health Reasons
Polysaccherides - Amylopectin Animal
Polysaccherides - Glycogen Animal
Polyunsaturated Animal/Plants
Rennet Animal/Plants
Rennin Animal/Plants
Riboflavin Animal/Plants (Mainly Plants)
Shortenings Animal/Plants
Sweeteners - Aspartame Health reasons
Sweeteners - Cyclamate Health Reasons
Sweeteners - Saccharine Health Reasons
Tartaric Acid Alcohol
Thiamin Animal/Plants
Tonic Alcohol/No-Alcohol
Trypsin Animal
Uric Acid Animal
Vinegar Alcohol/No-Alcohol
Vitamin: Capsules (A,E,K) Animal
Whey May contain Rennin or Rennet
Yeast (Brewer's Beer) Alcohol
Nartural - Additives
Citric Acid
Synthetic - Additives
Sodium Bicarbonate
Sodium Citrate
More Halal ingredients
Acetic Acid
Adipic Acid
Antioxidantants (BHA & BHT)
Arachidonic Acids (Fish)
Ascorbic Acid (Vit. C)
Baking Powder
Baking Soda
Benzoate (Benzoic Acid)
Butyric Acid
Calciferol (Vit. D3)
Calcium Acid Phosphate
Carbohydrates (Natural)
Chocolate Liquor
Citric Acid
Cocoa Butter
Corn Syrup Solids
Cream of tartar
Cultures (Microbes)
Firming Agents
Gallic Acid
Gliadin (Gluten) Glucose
Hydrogenated Oils
Lactic Acid
Malic Acid
Oxalic Acid
Phytic Acid
Propionic Acid
Propyl gallate
Smoke Flavorings
Sodium Aluminum Sulphate
Sorbic Acid
Sweeteners (Natural)
Tannic Acid
Vanilla Acid
Vitamin Tablets: (A, D, E, C)
Partial List of Haram (Unlawful) Ingredients
Alcoholic Beverages
Cider (Hard) (Alcohol)
D.E.S (sex Hormones)
Ethylene Oxide
Fermented Malt
Ham (Hog)
Insulin (Porcine)
Lard (Hog)
Pepsin (Hog)
Vanilla Extract (Alcohol)
Wine (Alcohol)
Partial List of Mash-Booh (Suspected) Ingredients
Mash-Booh Product Sources
Alanine Animal/Plants
Bile Salts Animal
Biotin Animal
Chelate Animal
Cholesterol Animal
Chymotrypsin Animal
Cobalamine Animal
Coloring Extract Health Reasons
Cures .
Cystein Animal
Cystine Animal
Diglycerides Animal/Plants
Disodium Inosinate Animal
Disodium Guanilate Animal
Diuretic Health Reasons
EDTA Health Reasons
Enrichement Animal/Plants (Mainly Plants)
Fatty Acids Animal/Plants
Folic Acid Animal/Plants
Gelatin Animal/Seaweeds
Glycerides Animal/Plants
Glycerol Animal
Hismatine Animal/Plants
Hormones Animal
Inositol Animal/Plants
Insulin Animal
Keratin Animal
Limit Dextrin Animal
Lipids Animal/Plants
Monoglycerides Animal/Plants
Niacin Animal/Plants
Nitrate Health reasons
Nitrite Health Reasons
Oleic Acid Animal/Plants
Para Amino Benzoic Acid Animal/Plants
Pepsin Animal
Phenyl Alanine Animal/Plants
Phospholipids Animal
Phosphoric Acid Health Reasons
Polysaccherides - Amylopectin Animal
Polysaccherides - Glycogen Animal
Polyunsaturated Animal/Plants
Rennet Animal/Plants
Rennin Animal/Plants
Riboflavin Animal/Plants (Mainly Plants)
Shortenings Animal/Plants
Sweeteners - Aspartame Health reasons
Sweeteners - Cyclamate Health Reasons
Sweeteners - Saccharine Health Reasons
Tartaric Acid Alcohol
Thiamin Animal/Plants
Tonic Alcohol/No-Alcohol
Trypsin Animal
Uric Acid Animal
Vinegar Alcohol/No-Alcohol
Vitamin: Capsules (A,E,K) Animal
Whey May contain Rennin or Rennet
Yeast (Brewer's Beer) Alcohol
Respect your teachers

51:55 (Y. Ali) But teach (thy Message) for teaching benefits the Believers.
18:65 -70 (Y. Ali) So they found one of Our servants, on whom We had bestowed Mercy from Ourselves and whom We had taught knowledge from Our own Presence. Moses said to him: “May I follow thee, on the footing that thou teach me something of the (Higher) Truth which thou hast been taught?” (The other) said: “Verily thou wilt not be able to have patience with me!” “And how canst thou have patience about things about which thy understanding is not complete?” Moses said: “Thou wilt find me, if Allah so will, (truly) patient: nor shall I disobey thee in aught.” The other said: “If then thou wouldst follow me, ask me no questions about anything until I myself speak to thee concerning it.”
The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam said, “Seek knowledge and train to be dignified and calm while seeking knowledge, and humble yourselves with those whom you learn from” (Tabaraani).
Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam said, “Three types of people would not be mocked except by a hypocrite, an old Muslim man, a knowledgeable person and a just leader” (Tabaraani).
Sahl Ibn Sa’d As-saa’idi, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam said, “O Allaah! Do not let me reach a time during which scholars are not followed, and honorable people are not respected”
Respect all your teachers. Islamic and secular
Ali(RA) , may Allaah be pleased with him, gave a comprehensive and complete advice concerning the rights of the teacher or scholar upon his student saying,
1. ‘One of the rights of the scholar is that you greet people generally and then greet him with a special greeting;
2. sit in front of him;
3. do not point with your hand in his presence, nor wink with your eye;
4. do not quote someone else who said opposite of what he said;
5. do not backbite anyone in his presence;
6. do not hunt for his faults, and if he makes a mistake accept his excuse;
7. dignify him for the sake of Allaah;
8. if he needs anything, rush before everyone to serve him;
9. do not whisper in his presence; not grasp him by his garment;
11. do not insist for answers when he becomes tired;
12. do not ever feel you have accompanied him enough, because he is like a palm tree from which people wait for fruits to drop from’.
18:65 -70 (Y. Ali) So they found one of Our servants, on whom We had bestowed Mercy from Ourselves and whom We had taught knowledge from Our own Presence. Moses said to him: “May I follow thee, on the footing that thou teach me something of the (Higher) Truth which thou hast been taught?” (The other) said: “Verily thou wilt not be able to have patience with me!” “And how canst thou have patience about things about which thy understanding is not complete?” Moses said: “Thou wilt find me, if Allah so will, (truly) patient: nor shall I disobey thee in aught.” The other said: “If then thou wouldst follow me, ask me no questions about anything until I myself speak to thee concerning it.”
The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam said, “Seek knowledge and train to be dignified and calm while seeking knowledge, and humble yourselves with those whom you learn from” (Tabaraani).
Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam said, “Three types of people would not be mocked except by a hypocrite, an old Muslim man, a knowledgeable person and a just leader” (Tabaraani).
Sahl Ibn Sa’d As-saa’idi, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam said, “O Allaah! Do not let me reach a time during which scholars are not followed, and honorable people are not respected”
Respect all your teachers. Islamic and secular
Ali(RA) , may Allaah be pleased with him, gave a comprehensive and complete advice concerning the rights of the teacher or scholar upon his student saying,
1. ‘One of the rights of the scholar is that you greet people generally and then greet him with a special greeting;
2. sit in front of him;
3. do not point with your hand in his presence, nor wink with your eye;
4. do not quote someone else who said opposite of what he said;
5. do not backbite anyone in his presence;
6. do not hunt for his faults, and if he makes a mistake accept his excuse;
7. dignify him for the sake of Allaah;
8. if he needs anything, rush before everyone to serve him;
9. do not whisper in his presence; not grasp him by his garment;
11. do not insist for answers when he becomes tired;
12. do not ever feel you have accompanied him enough, because he is like a palm tree from which people wait for fruits to drop from’.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Lower your voice

31:19 (Y. Ali) “And be moderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice; for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of the ass.”
20:44 (Y. Ali) “But speak to him mildly; perchance he may take warning or fear ((Allah)).”
Rasul Allah said, ‘Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day (of Judgment) should not harm his neighbor. Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day should host his guest generously. And anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day should say what is good or keep quiet.’ Bukhari
A lower voice tone is often associated with authority, respectability, and power. It does not matter if the person with the lower voice tone actually possesses these qualities. We are taught from youth to respect people who speak with lower voice tones. While you cannot completely change your voice, there are ways you can lower your voice tone and improve how you speak. Difficulty: Challenging Instructions
Things You’ll Need: tape recorder
1 Record yourself talking. Nobody actually sounds like they think they sound. It is only through the painful process of listening to your own recorded voice that you can hear the defects. Make tape recordings of yourself during normal conversation when you forget the tape recorder is on. Keep your first recording for later comparison.
2 Listen for times in your speech when your voice rises to high tones. Notice the words, phrases, and subjects that prompt this higher voice tone. Everybody speaks with voice characteristics that are repeated every time we talk. If you can figure out which habits launch your speech into higher voice tones, you will know where to focus your efforts.
3 Slow down when you talk. The faster people talk, the higher their voice tone. When you are trying to lower your voice tone, focus on pronouncing every word deliberately. End sentences with a down-tone. Instead of your voice rising, like when asking a question, drop it lower.
4 Calm down when you talk. When people get excited, they have a higher voice tone. They also sound less authoritative. Focus on keeping yourself grounded and speaking with a nurturing quality. Try to calm others with your tone of voice.
5 Speak from down low. High voice tones resonate from up in the nose. Lower voice tones resonate deep in the throat. Test it yourself. Place one hand on your nose and another on your throat. Feel your nose vibrate when you speak in higher voice tones and your throat vibrate when you speak in lower voice tones. Drop your voice down there and you will feel a deeper resonance in your words.
6 Listen to yourself again on a tape recorder. This is the only way to determine whether you are making any progress. Play the tape recording at the same time as the recording made when you started trying to lower your voice tone. Do this once per week to gauge your results.
source: How to Lower Voice Tone
20:44 (Y. Ali) “But speak to him mildly; perchance he may take warning or fear ((Allah)).”
Rasul Allah said, ‘Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day (of Judgment) should not harm his neighbor. Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day should host his guest generously. And anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day should say what is good or keep quiet.’ Bukhari
A lower voice tone is often associated with authority, respectability, and power. It does not matter if the person with the lower voice tone actually possesses these qualities. We are taught from youth to respect people who speak with lower voice tones. While you cannot completely change your voice, there are ways you can lower your voice tone and improve how you speak. Difficulty: Challenging Instructions
Things You’ll Need: tape recorder
1 Record yourself talking. Nobody actually sounds like they think they sound. It is only through the painful process of listening to your own recorded voice that you can hear the defects. Make tape recordings of yourself during normal conversation when you forget the tape recorder is on. Keep your first recording for later comparison.
2 Listen for times in your speech when your voice rises to high tones. Notice the words, phrases, and subjects that prompt this higher voice tone. Everybody speaks with voice characteristics that are repeated every time we talk. If you can figure out which habits launch your speech into higher voice tones, you will know where to focus your efforts.
3 Slow down when you talk. The faster people talk, the higher their voice tone. When you are trying to lower your voice tone, focus on pronouncing every word deliberately. End sentences with a down-tone. Instead of your voice rising, like when asking a question, drop it lower.
4 Calm down when you talk. When people get excited, they have a higher voice tone. They also sound less authoritative. Focus on keeping yourself grounded and speaking with a nurturing quality. Try to calm others with your tone of voice.
5 Speak from down low. High voice tones resonate from up in the nose. Lower voice tones resonate deep in the throat. Test it yourself. Place one hand on your nose and another on your throat. Feel your nose vibrate when you speak in higher voice tones and your throat vibrate when you speak in lower voice tones. Drop your voice down there and you will feel a deeper resonance in your words.
6 Listen to yourself again on a tape recorder. This is the only way to determine whether you are making any progress. Play the tape recording at the same time as the recording made when you started trying to lower your voice tone. Do this once per week to gauge your results.
source: How to Lower Voice Tone
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The_ Window
A young couple moves into a new neighborhood. The next
morning, while they are eating breakfast,
the young woman sees her neighbor hang the wash outside.
That laundry is not very clean, she said, she doesn't know how
to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap.
Her husband looked on, but remained silent. Every time her
neighbour would hang her wash to dry, the young woman
would make the same comments.
About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a
nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband:
"Look! She has learned how to wash correctly.
I wonder who taught her this."
The husband said: "I got up early this morning
and cleaned our windows!"
And so it is with life:
"What we see when watching others depends on the
purity of the window through which we look. Before we
give any criticism, it might be a good idea to check our
state of mind and ask ourselves if we are ready to see
the good rather than to be looking for something in the
person we are about to judge. "
Monday, September 13, 2010
Li-Li and her Mother-in-Law (Story)

A long time ago in China , a girl named Li-Li got married & went to live with her husband and mother-in-law. In a very short time, Li-Li found that she couldn't get along with mother-in-law at all. Their personalities were very different, and Li-Li was angered by many of her mother-in-law's habits.
Days passed, and weeks passed. Li-Li and her mother-in-law never stopped arguing and fighting. All the anger and unhappiness in the house was causing Li-Li's poor husband great distress.
Finally, Li-Li could not stand her mother-in-law's any longer, and she decided to do something about it! Li-Li went to see her father's good friend, Mr. Huang, who sold herbs. She told him the situation and asked if he would give her some poison so that she could solve the problem once and for all.
Mr. Huang thought for a while, and finally said, 'Li-Li, I will help you solve your problem, but you must listen to me and obey what I tell you.' Li-Li said, 'Yes, Mr. Huang, I will do whatever you tell me to do. 'Mr. Huang went into the back room, and returned in a few minutes with a package of herbs. He told Li-Li, 'You can't use a quick-acting poison to get rid of your mother-in-law, because that would cause people to become suspicious.
Therefore, I have given you a number of herbs that will slowly build up poison in her body. Every other day prepare some delicious meal and put a little of these herbs in her serving. Now, in order to make sure that nobody suspect you, when she dies, you must be very careful to be actively friendly towards her. 'Don't argue with her, obey her every wish, and treat her like a queen.' Li-Li was so happy. She thanked Mr. Huang and hurried home to start her plot of murdering her mother-i! n-law.
Weeks went by, and months went by, and every other day, Li-Li served the specially treated food to her mother-in-law. She remembered what Mr. Huang had said about avoiding suspicion, so she controlled her temper, and treated her like her own mother.
After six months had passed, the whole household had changed. Li-Li had practiced controlling her temper so much that she found that she almost never got mad or upset. She hadn't had an argument with her mother-in-law in six months because she now seemed much kinder and easier to get along with.
The mother-in-law's attitude toward Li-Li changed, and she began to love Li-Li like her own daughter. She kept telling friends and relatives thatLi-Li was the best daughter-in- law one could ever find. Li-Li and her mother-in-law were now treating each other like a real mother and daughter.
One day, Li-Li came to see Mr. Huang and asked for his help again She said, 'Dear Mr. Huang, please help me to keep the poison from killing my mother-in-law. She's changed into such a nice woman, and I love her like my own mother. I do not want her to die because of the poison I gave her.'
Mr. Huang smiled and nodded his head. 'Li-Li, there's nothing to worry about. I never gave you any poison. The herbs I gave you were vitamins to improve her health. The only poison was in your mind and your attitude toward her, but that has been all washed away by the love which you gave to her.'
There is a wise Chinese saying: 'The person who loves others will also be loved in return.' God might be trying to work in another person's life through you.
After all you have got nothing to lose but a lot to gain. 'A candle loses nothing if it is used to light another one.
Days passed, and weeks passed. Li-Li and her mother-in-law never stopped arguing and fighting. All the anger and unhappiness in the house was causing Li-Li's poor husband great distress.
Finally, Li-Li could not stand her mother-in-law's any longer, and she decided to do something about it! Li-Li went to see her father's good friend, Mr. Huang, who sold herbs. She told him the situation and asked if he would give her some poison so that she could solve the problem once and for all.
Mr. Huang thought for a while, and finally said, 'Li-Li, I will help you solve your problem, but you must listen to me and obey what I tell you.' Li-Li said, 'Yes, Mr. Huang, I will do whatever you tell me to do. 'Mr. Huang went into the back room, and returned in a few minutes with a package of herbs. He told Li-Li, 'You can't use a quick-acting poison to get rid of your mother-in-law, because that would cause people to become suspicious.
Therefore, I have given you a number of herbs that will slowly build up poison in her body. Every other day prepare some delicious meal and put a little of these herbs in her serving. Now, in order to make sure that nobody suspect you, when she dies, you must be very careful to be actively friendly towards her. 'Don't argue with her, obey her every wish, and treat her like a queen.' Li-Li was so happy. She thanked Mr. Huang and hurried home to start her plot of murdering her mother-i! n-law.
Weeks went by, and months went by, and every other day, Li-Li served the specially treated food to her mother-in-law. She remembered what Mr. Huang had said about avoiding suspicion, so she controlled her temper, and treated her like her own mother.
After six months had passed, the whole household had changed. Li-Li had practiced controlling her temper so much that she found that she almost never got mad or upset. She hadn't had an argument with her mother-in-law in six months because she now seemed much kinder and easier to get along with.
The mother-in-law's attitude toward Li-Li changed, and she began to love Li-Li like her own daughter. She kept telling friends and relatives thatLi-Li was the best daughter-in- law one could ever find. Li-Li and her mother-in-law were now treating each other like a real mother and daughter.
One day, Li-Li came to see Mr. Huang and asked for his help again She said, 'Dear Mr. Huang, please help me to keep the poison from killing my mother-in-law. She's changed into such a nice woman, and I love her like my own mother. I do not want her to die because of the poison I gave her.'
Mr. Huang smiled and nodded his head. 'Li-Li, there's nothing to worry about. I never gave you any poison. The herbs I gave you were vitamins to improve her health. The only poison was in your mind and your attitude toward her, but that has been all washed away by the love which you gave to her.'
There is a wise Chinese saying: 'The person who loves others will also be loved in return.' God might be trying to work in another person's life through you.
After all you have got nothing to lose but a lot to gain. 'A candle loses nothing if it is used to light another one.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Lailatul Qadr : The Night of Power

Qadr means honour and dignity. Lailatul Qadr means the night of honour and dignity. It is this night in which the first Divine Revelation came to the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam, when he was in prayer in the cave of Hira. Since this night enjoys the honour of having the first revelation brought to the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam, it has been named Lailatul Qadr.
This is one of the holiest and most blessed nights, which is likely to occur on one of the odd nights on the last ten days of Ramadhan and most likely to be the 27th. The reward of worship on this night is better than the worship of a thousand months of worship, equivalent to a person's lifetime. So, on this night one should pray nafil namaz, recite the Quran, do Tasbih, Zikr, Duas, etc as much as possible.
This night had already opened its gates of treasures when the angel for the first time had come with the Divine Message in the cave of Hira, but its auspiciousness has continued to be with us permanently. Every year in the month of Ramadhan, this night is given to the Ummah. Muslims engage in prayers, recitation of Quran and praying to Allah, as the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam said: "The person who offered prayers to Allah in the night of Dignity with faith and with hope of reward from Allah, all his past sins have been forgiven." (Bukhaari)
As the rainy season is suitable for farming, similarly for the attainment of nearness to Allah, specific times , specific days and specific nights are most suitable, e.g. the time of Tahajjud prayers, Friday prayers, month of Ramadhan, the Day of Arafah, etc. So also the Night of Power is the most suitable night for attaining nearness to Allah.
In the Hadeeth, we have been asked to seek it in the last ten nights of the month of Ramadhan. Hazrat Aa'ishah radhiyallahu anhaa narrates that the Messenger of Allah sallalahu alayhi wasallam has said, 'Seek the night of Dignity in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadhan'.(Bukhaari).
By odd nights, the reference is made to the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th night of the month of Ramadhan. No one night has been fixed so that the yearning to find it may increase and people may spend more nights in worshipping Allah. From this aspect, the importance of `Itikaaf (seclusion) during the last ten days of Ramadhan is clear.
Some special prayers and Zikr for Laitul Qadr top
1. Seeking Forgiveness. Hazrat Aa'ishah radhiyallahu anhaa asked the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam that if she happened to get the night sublime what prayer should she say. The Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam replied that she should say the following prayer :
"Allahumma innaka afuwwun kareemun tuhib-bul af-wa fa-afo anni"
(O Allah, You are the One who grants pardon for sins, loves forgiving, so forgive me.)
2. Reciting Astaghfar. The following should be recited as much as possible:
"Astaghfirullah hallazi la-ila-ha illa huwal Hayyul Qayyumo wa atu-bu ilaihe"
(I seek forgiveness from Allah, the Almighty, there is no God but He. He is self-Existent, the Eternal and I return to Him)
3. Reciting Surah `Inna anzalnahu...'
"Inna anzalnahu fee lailatul Qadr, Wa maa adraka maa lailatul Qadr.
Lailatul Qadri khairum min alfi shahr. Tanazzalul malai-katu var-roohu
fee ha bi izni Rabbihim min kulle amr. Salaamun heya hatta matla-il fajr."
4. Do Salatul Tasbih.
5. Do Afzul Zikr i.e. La ilaha illallah
This is one of the holiest and most blessed nights, which is likely to occur on one of the odd nights on the last ten days of Ramadhan and most likely to be the 27th. The reward of worship on this night is better than the worship of a thousand months of worship, equivalent to a person's lifetime. So, on this night one should pray nafil namaz, recite the Quran, do Tasbih, Zikr, Duas, etc as much as possible.
This night had already opened its gates of treasures when the angel for the first time had come with the Divine Message in the cave of Hira, but its auspiciousness has continued to be with us permanently. Every year in the month of Ramadhan, this night is given to the Ummah. Muslims engage in prayers, recitation of Quran and praying to Allah, as the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam said: "The person who offered prayers to Allah in the night of Dignity with faith and with hope of reward from Allah, all his past sins have been forgiven." (Bukhaari)
As the rainy season is suitable for farming, similarly for the attainment of nearness to Allah, specific times , specific days and specific nights are most suitable, e.g. the time of Tahajjud prayers, Friday prayers, month of Ramadhan, the Day of Arafah, etc. So also the Night of Power is the most suitable night for attaining nearness to Allah.
In the Hadeeth, we have been asked to seek it in the last ten nights of the month of Ramadhan. Hazrat Aa'ishah radhiyallahu anhaa narrates that the Messenger of Allah sallalahu alayhi wasallam has said, 'Seek the night of Dignity in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadhan'.(Bukhaari).
By odd nights, the reference is made to the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th night of the month of Ramadhan. No one night has been fixed so that the yearning to find it may increase and people may spend more nights in worshipping Allah. From this aspect, the importance of `Itikaaf (seclusion) during the last ten days of Ramadhan is clear.
Some special prayers and Zikr for Laitul Qadr top
1. Seeking Forgiveness. Hazrat Aa'ishah radhiyallahu anhaa asked the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam that if she happened to get the night sublime what prayer should she say. The Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam replied that she should say the following prayer :
"Allahumma innaka afuwwun kareemun tuhib-bul af-wa fa-afo anni"
(O Allah, You are the One who grants pardon for sins, loves forgiving, so forgive me.)
2. Reciting Astaghfar. The following should be recited as much as possible:
"Astaghfirullah hallazi la-ila-ha illa huwal Hayyul Qayyumo wa atu-bu ilaihe"
(I seek forgiveness from Allah, the Almighty, there is no God but He. He is self-Existent, the Eternal and I return to Him)
3. Reciting Surah `Inna anzalnahu...'
"Inna anzalnahu fee lailatul Qadr, Wa maa adraka maa lailatul Qadr.
Lailatul Qadri khairum min alfi shahr. Tanazzalul malai-katu var-roohu
fee ha bi izni Rabbihim min kulle amr. Salaamun heya hatta matla-il fajr."
4. Do Salatul Tasbih.
5. Do Afzul Zikr i.e. La ilaha illallah
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Find Balance
5:87 (Y. Ali) O ye who believe! make not unlawful the good things which Allah hath made lawful for you, but commit no excess: for Allah loveth not those given to excess.
17:29 (Y. Ali) Make not thy hand tied (like a niggard’s) to thy neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach, so that thou become blameworthy and destitute.
17:110 (Y. Ali) Say: “Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between.”
25:67 (Y. Ali) Those who, when they spend, are not extravagant and not niggardly, but hold a just (balance) between those (extremes);
8:77 (Y. Ali) “But seek, with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on thee, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world: but do thou good, as Allah has been good to thee, and seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief.”
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once asked a companion: “(Is it true) that you fast all day and stand in prayer all night?” The companion replied that the report was indeed true. The Prophet then said: “Do not do that! Observe the fast sometimes and also leave (it) at other times. Stand up for prayer at night and also sleep at night. Your body has a right over you, your eyes have a right over you and your wife has a right over you.” -- Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Hadith 127
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately. . .Always adopt a middle, moderate, regular course, whereby you will reach your target (of paradise).” -- Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 8, Hadith 470
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The good deeds of any person will not make him enter Paradise (i.e., no one enters paradise only through his good deeds).” The Prophet’s companions asked: “Not even you?” The Prophet replied: “Not even myself, unless God bestows His favor and mercy on me. So be moderate in your religious deeds and do what is within your ability. None of you should wish for death, for if he is a doer of good, he may increase his good deeds, and if he is an evil doer, he may repent to God.” -- Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Hadith 577
Understanding and Moderation
1. Use the Productive Muslim taskinator to plan your day
2. Download the Heart Wheel Journal
3. Ask yourself a few questions and comparisons that may help us reorganize our days and evenings and can in sha’ Allah (if God wills) help to bring us closer to the balanced personality that Allah has commanded of us:
How many hours do I spend daily watching TV, playing TV games, watching sport, facebook reading my friends’ profiles and glancing through all the pictures and comments posted?
How many hours do I spend weekly reading the profile of Prophet Muhammadﷺ and his companions radi Allahu `anhum (may Allah reward them) and glancing through the comments about their words?
How many hours do I spend daily reading the words and thoughts of mankind by sifting through all the various blogs and articles I’ve bookmarked?
How many hours do I spend weekly reading the words of my Creator by sifting through the various chapters of the Qur’an?
How many hours do I spend daily on social networking sites?
How many hours do I spend daily socializing with my spouse, family, and loved ones?
How many times do I open my email account daily to see what mankind has sent to me?
How many times do I open the Qur’an weekly to see what Allah has sent to me?
After tallying up the hours we spend online versus with our family and Creator, we must keep our life goals in mind as we analyze our responses.
We should always prioritize our goals first.
We should always ask Allah to put barakah in our time so that we can accomplish far more than we perceived possible and to realize that, if we do our obligations first, then Allah will bless the remaining hours we have.
source: A Call to Moderation and Balance
17:29 (Y. Ali) Make not thy hand tied (like a niggard’s) to thy neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach, so that thou become blameworthy and destitute.
17:110 (Y. Ali) Say: “Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between.”
25:67 (Y. Ali) Those who, when they spend, are not extravagant and not niggardly, but hold a just (balance) between those (extremes);
8:77 (Y. Ali) “But seek, with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on thee, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world: but do thou good, as Allah has been good to thee, and seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief.”
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once asked a companion: “(Is it true) that you fast all day and stand in prayer all night?” The companion replied that the report was indeed true. The Prophet then said: “Do not do that! Observe the fast sometimes and also leave (it) at other times. Stand up for prayer at night and also sleep at night. Your body has a right over you, your eyes have a right over you and your wife has a right over you.” -- Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Hadith 127
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately. . .Always adopt a middle, moderate, regular course, whereby you will reach your target (of paradise).” -- Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 8, Hadith 470
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The good deeds of any person will not make him enter Paradise (i.e., no one enters paradise only through his good deeds).” The Prophet’s companions asked: “Not even you?” The Prophet replied: “Not even myself, unless God bestows His favor and mercy on me. So be moderate in your religious deeds and do what is within your ability. None of you should wish for death, for if he is a doer of good, he may increase his good deeds, and if he is an evil doer, he may repent to God.” -- Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Hadith 577
Understanding and Moderation
1. Use the Productive Muslim taskinator to plan your day
2. Download the Heart Wheel Journal
3. Ask yourself a few questions and comparisons that may help us reorganize our days and evenings and can in sha’ Allah (if God wills) help to bring us closer to the balanced personality that Allah has commanded of us:
How many hours do I spend daily watching TV, playing TV games, watching sport, facebook reading my friends’ profiles and glancing through all the pictures and comments posted?
How many hours do I spend weekly reading the profile of Prophet Muhammadﷺ and his companions radi Allahu `anhum (may Allah reward them) and glancing through the comments about their words?
How many hours do I spend daily reading the words and thoughts of mankind by sifting through all the various blogs and articles I’ve bookmarked?
How many hours do I spend weekly reading the words of my Creator by sifting through the various chapters of the Qur’an?
How many hours do I spend daily on social networking sites?
How many hours do I spend daily socializing with my spouse, family, and loved ones?
How many times do I open my email account daily to see what mankind has sent to me?
How many times do I open the Qur’an weekly to see what Allah has sent to me?
After tallying up the hours we spend online versus with our family and Creator, we must keep our life goals in mind as we analyze our responses.
We should always prioritize our goals first.
We should always ask Allah to put barakah in our time so that we can accomplish far more than we perceived possible and to realize that, if we do our obligations first, then Allah will bless the remaining hours we have.
source: A Call to Moderation and Balance
Ramadan Nasheed Allahu Allahu W.English Translation
As sub hu bada min tal'ati hii
W- al- laylu dajaa minv wafrati hee
The light of dawn is from the radiance of Your (PBUH) face
The sparkle of the night is from the glimmer of your (PBUH) blessed Hair.
Hai noor-e-sahar chehre say tere
Aur shab ki raunak Zulfoon say.
The light of dawn is from the radiance of Your (PBUH) face
The sparkle of the night is from the glimmer of your (PBUH) blessed Hair.
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah.
Kanz-ul-karami mowl-an-ni' amii
Haad-il-umami li shari'ati hii.
Our Master (PBUH) is a treasure of grace. He (PBUH) is a treaure of Mercy
He (PBUH) is the guide of the entire nation, showing us the way of the Sacred Law.
Ni'mat Ka khazina hain Mawla
Ganjina-yi rehmat ke hai Aqaa
Hadi hai tammam-i ummat ke
Aur rahnuma hai shari'at kay.
Our Master (PBUH) is a treasure of grace.
He (PBUH) is a treaure of Mercy
He (PBUH) is the guide of the entire nation,
showing us the way of the Sacred Law.
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Sa'at-ish-shajaruu nataq-al-hajaruu
Shaqq-al-qamaruu bi ishaaratihii
On the command of Your (PBUH) blessed Finger, the trees began to walk, the stones began to speak through Your (PBUH) greatness
The moon split into two upon one gesture of your (PBUH) blessed Finger.
Ungli ke ishare pair (trees) chale
Eijaz se pathar bol uthe
Aur chand huwa hai dhoo tukre
Angusht ke aik ishare se.
On the command of Your (PBUH) blessed Finger, the trees began to walk
The stones began to speak through Your (PBUH) greatness
The moon split into two
Upon one gesture of your (PBUH) blessed Finger.
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Jibrilu ataa laylata asraa
W-ar-rabbu da'aa fii hadrati hii
Angel Gabreil / Jibrail (A.S) came with glad tidings from Allah (SWT) on the Night of Ascension
Allah (SWT) invited You (PBUH) to the heavens and bestowed upon You (PBUH) the honor of intimacy.
Jibril-i Amin paigham-i khuda
Lekar aye thay shab-i asra'
Allah hane Arsh pay bulvayaa
Kurbat ka sharaf unko bakhsha.
Angel Gabreil / Jibrail (A.S) came with glad tidings from Allah (SWT) on the Night of Ascension
Allah (SWT) invited You (PBUH) to the heavens
And bestowed upon You (PBUH) the honor of intimacy.
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Fa Muhammaduna huwa Sayiduna
Fal iszulana li ijaabetihi
Muhammed (PBUH) is our benefactor. He (PBUH) is our leader
This blessed Name [of Muhammed (PBUH)] will preserve our dignity
So Mohammad hai apne aqaa
Isi naam se apni izzo baqaa.
Muhammed (PBUH) is our benefactor. He (PBUH) is our leader
This blessed Name [of Muhammed (PBUH)] will preserve our dignity
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
As -- Subhu badaa min tal'ati hii
W- al- laylu dajaa minv wafrati hee
The light of dawn is from the radiance of Your (PBUH) face
The sparkle of the night is from the glimmer of your (PBUH) blessed Hair.
Hai noor -- e- sahar chehre se teray
Aur shab ki raunak Zulfoon se.
The light of dawn is from the radiance of Your (PBUH) face
The sparkle of the night is from the glimmer of your (PBUH) blessed Hair.
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah (x2)
Lyrics Information:
Recited By: Qari Waheed Zafar Qasmi
Written By: Hazrat Hassan Bin Thabit (RaziAllahu Anhu), a companion of Prophet Muhammad
According to Writer: According to Hazrat Hassan Bin Thabit (RaziAllahu Ta'ala Anhu) "I could not praise Muhammad with my words; rather My words were made praise worthy by Muhammad" SubhanAllah
Other: Lyrics are in Arabic, Translated in English, and Urdu.
W- al- laylu dajaa minv wafrati hee
The light of dawn is from the radiance of Your (PBUH) face
The sparkle of the night is from the glimmer of your (PBUH) blessed Hair.
Hai noor-e-sahar chehre say tere
Aur shab ki raunak Zulfoon say.
The light of dawn is from the radiance of Your (PBUH) face
The sparkle of the night is from the glimmer of your (PBUH) blessed Hair.
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah.
Kanz-ul-karami mowl-an-ni' amii
Haad-il-umami li shari'ati hii.
Our Master (PBUH) is a treasure of grace. He (PBUH) is a treaure of Mercy
He (PBUH) is the guide of the entire nation, showing us the way of the Sacred Law.
Ni'mat Ka khazina hain Mawla
Ganjina-yi rehmat ke hai Aqaa
Hadi hai tammam-i ummat ke
Aur rahnuma hai shari'at kay.
Our Master (PBUH) is a treasure of grace.
He (PBUH) is a treaure of Mercy
He (PBUH) is the guide of the entire nation,
showing us the way of the Sacred Law.
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Sa'at-ish-shajaruu nataq-al-hajaruu
Shaqq-al-qamaruu bi ishaaratihii
On the command of Your (PBUH) blessed Finger, the trees began to walk, the stones began to speak through Your (PBUH) greatness
The moon split into two upon one gesture of your (PBUH) blessed Finger.
Ungli ke ishare pair (trees) chale
Eijaz se pathar bol uthe
Aur chand huwa hai dhoo tukre
Angusht ke aik ishare se.
On the command of Your (PBUH) blessed Finger, the trees began to walk
The stones began to speak through Your (PBUH) greatness
The moon split into two
Upon one gesture of your (PBUH) blessed Finger.
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Jibrilu ataa laylata asraa
W-ar-rabbu da'aa fii hadrati hii
Angel Gabreil / Jibrail (A.S) came with glad tidings from Allah (SWT) on the Night of Ascension
Allah (SWT) invited You (PBUH) to the heavens and bestowed upon You (PBUH) the honor of intimacy.
Jibril-i Amin paigham-i khuda
Lekar aye thay shab-i asra'
Allah hane Arsh pay bulvayaa
Kurbat ka sharaf unko bakhsha.
Angel Gabreil / Jibrail (A.S) came with glad tidings from Allah (SWT) on the Night of Ascension
Allah (SWT) invited You (PBUH) to the heavens
And bestowed upon You (PBUH) the honor of intimacy.
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Fa Muhammaduna huwa Sayiduna
Fal iszulana li ijaabetihi
Muhammed (PBUH) is our benefactor. He (PBUH) is our leader
This blessed Name [of Muhammed (PBUH)] will preserve our dignity
So Mohammad hai apne aqaa
Isi naam se apni izzo baqaa.
Muhammed (PBUH) is our benefactor. He (PBUH) is our leader
This blessed Name [of Muhammed (PBUH)] will preserve our dignity
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
As -- Subhu badaa min tal'ati hii
W- al- laylu dajaa minv wafrati hee
The light of dawn is from the radiance of Your (PBUH) face
The sparkle of the night is from the glimmer of your (PBUH) blessed Hair.
Hai noor -- e- sahar chehre se teray
Aur shab ki raunak Zulfoon se.
The light of dawn is from the radiance of Your (PBUH) face
The sparkle of the night is from the glimmer of your (PBUH) blessed Hair.
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah (x2)
Lyrics Information:
Recited By: Qari Waheed Zafar Qasmi
Written By: Hazrat Hassan Bin Thabit (RaziAllahu Anhu), a companion of Prophet Muhammad
According to Writer: According to Hazrat Hassan Bin Thabit (RaziAllahu Ta'ala Anhu) "I could not praise Muhammad with my words; rather My words were made praise worthy by Muhammad" SubhanAllah
Other: Lyrics are in Arabic, Translated in English, and Urdu.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Use a miswak

Aishah (Allah be pleased with her) reported: The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, “The Miswak (tooth-stick) cleanses and purifies the mouth and pleases the Rabb.” (An-Nasa’i and Ibn Khuzaimah)
Ibn Umar (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said: “‘Make a regular practice of the Miswaak, for verily, it is healthy for the mouth and it is a Pleasure for the Creator (i.e. Allah is pleased with the Muslim who uses the Miswaak)’.” (Bukhari)
Anas (Allah be pleased with him)reported: The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, “I stress upon you to use Miswak (tooth-stick).” (Bukhari)
Get a free miswak from when they have in stock.
How to use a miswak?
Simply scrape off about half an inch from the tip.
Then chew the tip gently until brush-like
Start brushing horizontally.
After brushing wash the tip.
Store miswak in packet provided so it doesn’t become dirty.
Before going sleep store the miswak in a glass filled with water and put the part of the miswak that was used and leave it overnight to be soaked.
In the morning cut the bristles and start from step one again, this ensures u have clean bristles every day so that it is more hygienic and effective.
Source: Team]
Advantages and Benefits
Eliminates Odor
Sharpens the Memory
Sharpens the Intelligence
Increases reward for salaah
Shaytaan becomes displeased with one who uses miswak
Dental research has discovered interesting information about the miswak. Chemical analysis revealed that it contains a total of 19 natural substances, which are beneficial to dental health. Its natural antiseptics have a bactericidal action, killing harmful micro-organisms in the mouth, the tannic acid it contains has astringent qualities which protect the gums from disease, and its aromatic oils increase salivation. Because of its built-in antiseptics, the miswak needs no cleaning, and because its bristles are parallel to the handle rather than perpendicular, it can reach more easily between the teeth, where a conventional toothbrush often misses more
Ibn Umar (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said: “‘Make a regular practice of the Miswaak, for verily, it is healthy for the mouth and it is a Pleasure for the Creator (i.e. Allah is pleased with the Muslim who uses the Miswaak)’.” (Bukhari)
Anas (Allah be pleased with him)reported: The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, “I stress upon you to use Miswak (tooth-stick).” (Bukhari)
Get a free miswak from when they have in stock.
How to use a miswak?
Simply scrape off about half an inch from the tip.
Then chew the tip gently until brush-like
Start brushing horizontally.
After brushing wash the tip.
Store miswak in packet provided so it doesn’t become dirty.
Before going sleep store the miswak in a glass filled with water and put the part of the miswak that was used and leave it overnight to be soaked.
In the morning cut the bristles and start from step one again, this ensures u have clean bristles every day so that it is more hygienic and effective.
Source: Team]
Advantages and Benefits
Eliminates Odor
Sharpens the Memory
Sharpens the Intelligence
Increases reward for salaah
Shaytaan becomes displeased with one who uses miswak
Dental research has discovered interesting information about the miswak. Chemical analysis revealed that it contains a total of 19 natural substances, which are beneficial to dental health. Its natural antiseptics have a bactericidal action, killing harmful micro-organisms in the mouth, the tannic acid it contains has astringent qualities which protect the gums from disease, and its aromatic oils increase salivation. Because of its built-in antiseptics, the miswak needs no cleaning, and because its bristles are parallel to the handle rather than perpendicular, it can reach more easily between the teeth, where a conventional toothbrush often misses more
Perform salaah in congregation

4:103 (Y. Ali) When ye pass (congregational) prayers, celebrate Allah’s praises, standing, sitting down, or lying down on your sides; but when ye are free from danger, set up Regular Prayers: For such prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times.
Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “Salat in congregation is twenty-seven times more meritorious than a Salat performed individually.”[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “A man’s Salat in congregation is twenty-five times more rewarding than his Salat at home or in his shop, and that is because when he performs his Wudu’ properly and proceeds towards the mosque with the purpose of performing Salat in congregation, he does not take a step without being raised a degree (in rank) for it and having a sin remitted for it, till he enters the mosque. When he is performing Salat, the angels continue to invoke Blessings of Allah on him as long as he is in his place of worship in a state of Wudu’. They say: `O Allah! Have mercy on him! O Allah! Forgive him.’ He is deemed to be engaged in Salat as long as he waits for it.”[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “By Him in Whose Hand my life is, I sometimes thought of giving orders for firewood to be collected, then for proclaiming the Adhan for Salat. Then I would appoint an Imam to lead Salat, and then go to the houses of those who do not come to perform Salat in congregation, and set fire to their houses on them.”[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) is reported to have said: “The most difficult Salaats on the hypocrites are Esha and Fajr. However, had they known the reward of performing those Salaat with jamaat, they would have performed them even if they had to crawl to the Musjid.” (Sahih Bukhari)
Abu-Darda’ (May Allah be pleased with him)reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying, “If three men in a village or in the desert, make no arrangement for Salat in congregation, Satan must have certainly overcome them. So observe Salat in congregation, for the wolf eats up a solitary sheep that stays far from the flock.” [Abu Dawud]
The Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him). He said: “Do not prevent your women from going to the masjid, even though their houses are better for them.” (Reported by Abu Dawud)
How to Pray the Congregational Prayer (Jama^ah):
One of the people who want to pray the congregational prayer steps forward to lead the others in prayer. He is called the leader (imam). It is better if the imam is the most knowledgeable among them and the one who recites Qur’anthe best.
The rest of the people stand behind the imam in straight rows, leaving no spaces in between each other. Then the imam says the opening Allahu Akbar (takbiratul-ihram). Then other people say their opening Allahu Akbar coupled with the intention. The intention means that every one of them says in one’s heart, for example, while saying Allahu Akbar with one’s tongue: “I now intend to pray the obligatory ^Asr prayer in congregation.”
The imam says all the sayings of Allahu Akbar, sami^allahu liman hamidah, and as-salamu ^alaykum out loud in all the prayers. If it is a loud prayer, the imam also says the Fatihah, Amin, and the Surah after it out loud in the first two rak^ahs. The follower says Amin out loud, but he does not recite the Surah after the Fatihah in the loud prayer; rather, he does this only in the soft prayer.
The Conditions of Following the Imam in Prayer:
Everyone who follows an imam while performing prayer—the Jumu^ah Prayer or other prayers–must fulfill the following obligations:
The follower (ma’mum) must not be ahead of his imam in the standing position or in saying the opening Allahu akbar. The prayer of the follower is invalid if he says his opening Allahu akbar during that of the imam. Doing other actions at the same time as the imam in other parts of the prayer is disliked (makruh), with the exception of saying: “Amin ”.
It is unlawful (haram) for the follower (ma’mum) to precede the imam by one integral of action. One’s prayer is invalidated by inexcusably preceding the imam by two consecutive integrals of action, whether both are long or one is long and the other is short. Similarly, the ma’mum invalidates his prayer if he lags behind the imam by two integrals of action, despite an excuse. If the ma’mum stays behind to finish the Fatihah and during this time the imam has finished his ruku^ and two prostrations, and has sat for the tashahhud or stood up for the following rak^ah, then the ma’mum must stop reciting the Fatihah and be in unison with his imam. In addition to this, the ma’mum must perform a rak^ah after the closing salam of the imam. However, if the ma’mum finishes reciting the Fatihah before the imam has sat for the tashahhud or stood up for another rak^ah, then the ma’mum follows his own order until he catches up with the imam.
The follower must know the movements of his imam.
The follower must be with his imam in a mosque (masjid), or else within 300 cubits.
The follower must not have any barrier between him and the imam which prevents him from reaching the imam.
The follower must have the format of his prayer agree with the format of the imam’s prayer. For example, it is invalid for the performer of the daily obligatory prayer to follow the performer of the Funeral Prayer (Salatul-Janazah).
The follower must not disagree enormously with his imam in a recommended act (sunnah), like the sitting for the first tashahhud. If the imam does it or leaves it, then the ma’mum does it with the imam or stands up with him.
Congregational prayer for woman vs home
The woman gets same reward as congregational prayer if she performs salaah at home.
The reasons congregational prayers is not mandatory for woman could be related to: security of the woman, making it easier for the mother that looks after children and other causes of fitna like intermingling.
Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Mas’ud (RA) reports that the Prophet(SAW) said, ‘The prayer of a woman in her makhda’ (partition) is better than her prayer in her hujrah (chamber), and her prayer in her hujrah is better than her prayer in her bait (house)(Abu Dawood).
That being said, if a woman wants to read salaah in a masjid, a facility should be available for her to perform salaah.
Narrated Salim bin ‘Abdullah ,My father said, “The Prophet said, ‘If the wife of any one of you asks permission (to go to the masjid) do not forbid her.” (Bukhari 7:165).
The woman must be dressed in full hijaab and not wear any perfume and attract any attention to herself when she attends salaah in congregation.
Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “Salat in congregation is twenty-seven times more meritorious than a Salat performed individually.”[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “A man’s Salat in congregation is twenty-five times more rewarding than his Salat at home or in his shop, and that is because when he performs his Wudu’ properly and proceeds towards the mosque with the purpose of performing Salat in congregation, he does not take a step without being raised a degree (in rank) for it and having a sin remitted for it, till he enters the mosque. When he is performing Salat, the angels continue to invoke Blessings of Allah on him as long as he is in his place of worship in a state of Wudu’. They say: `O Allah! Have mercy on him! O Allah! Forgive him.’ He is deemed to be engaged in Salat as long as he waits for it.”[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “By Him in Whose Hand my life is, I sometimes thought of giving orders for firewood to be collected, then for proclaiming the Adhan for Salat. Then I would appoint an Imam to lead Salat, and then go to the houses of those who do not come to perform Salat in congregation, and set fire to their houses on them.”[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) is reported to have said: “The most difficult Salaats on the hypocrites are Esha and Fajr. However, had they known the reward of performing those Salaat with jamaat, they would have performed them even if they had to crawl to the Musjid.” (Sahih Bukhari)
Abu-Darda’ (May Allah be pleased with him)reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying, “If three men in a village or in the desert, make no arrangement for Salat in congregation, Satan must have certainly overcome them. So observe Salat in congregation, for the wolf eats up a solitary sheep that stays far from the flock.” [Abu Dawud]
The Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him). He said: “Do not prevent your women from going to the masjid, even though their houses are better for them.” (Reported by Abu Dawud)
How to Pray the Congregational Prayer (Jama^ah):
One of the people who want to pray the congregational prayer steps forward to lead the others in prayer. He is called the leader (imam). It is better if the imam is the most knowledgeable among them and the one who recites Qur’anthe best.
The rest of the people stand behind the imam in straight rows, leaving no spaces in between each other. Then the imam says the opening Allahu Akbar (takbiratul-ihram). Then other people say their opening Allahu Akbar coupled with the intention. The intention means that every one of them says in one’s heart, for example, while saying Allahu Akbar with one’s tongue: “I now intend to pray the obligatory ^Asr prayer in congregation.”
The imam says all the sayings of Allahu Akbar, sami^allahu liman hamidah, and as-salamu ^alaykum out loud in all the prayers. If it is a loud prayer, the imam also says the Fatihah, Amin, and the Surah after it out loud in the first two rak^ahs. The follower says Amin out loud, but he does not recite the Surah after the Fatihah in the loud prayer; rather, he does this only in the soft prayer.
The Conditions of Following the Imam in Prayer:
Everyone who follows an imam while performing prayer—the Jumu^ah Prayer or other prayers–must fulfill the following obligations:
The follower (ma’mum) must not be ahead of his imam in the standing position or in saying the opening Allahu akbar. The prayer of the follower is invalid if he says his opening Allahu akbar during that of the imam. Doing other actions at the same time as the imam in other parts of the prayer is disliked (makruh), with the exception of saying: “Amin ”.
It is unlawful (haram) for the follower (ma’mum) to precede the imam by one integral of action. One’s prayer is invalidated by inexcusably preceding the imam by two consecutive integrals of action, whether both are long or one is long and the other is short. Similarly, the ma’mum invalidates his prayer if he lags behind the imam by two integrals of action, despite an excuse. If the ma’mum stays behind to finish the Fatihah and during this time the imam has finished his ruku^ and two prostrations, and has sat for the tashahhud or stood up for the following rak^ah, then the ma’mum must stop reciting the Fatihah and be in unison with his imam. In addition to this, the ma’mum must perform a rak^ah after the closing salam of the imam. However, if the ma’mum finishes reciting the Fatihah before the imam has sat for the tashahhud or stood up for another rak^ah, then the ma’mum follows his own order until he catches up with the imam.
The follower must know the movements of his imam.
The follower must be with his imam in a mosque (masjid), or else within 300 cubits.
The follower must not have any barrier between him and the imam which prevents him from reaching the imam.
The follower must have the format of his prayer agree with the format of the imam’s prayer. For example, it is invalid for the performer of the daily obligatory prayer to follow the performer of the Funeral Prayer (Salatul-Janazah).
The follower must not disagree enormously with his imam in a recommended act (sunnah), like the sitting for the first tashahhud. If the imam does it or leaves it, then the ma’mum does it with the imam or stands up with him.
Congregational prayer for woman vs home
The woman gets same reward as congregational prayer if she performs salaah at home.
The reasons congregational prayers is not mandatory for woman could be related to: security of the woman, making it easier for the mother that looks after children and other causes of fitna like intermingling.
Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Mas’ud (RA) reports that the Prophet(SAW) said, ‘The prayer of a woman in her makhda’ (partition) is better than her prayer in her hujrah (chamber), and her prayer in her hujrah is better than her prayer in her bait (house)(Abu Dawood).
That being said, if a woman wants to read salaah in a masjid, a facility should be available for her to perform salaah.
Narrated Salim bin ‘Abdullah ,My father said, “The Prophet said, ‘If the wife of any one of you asks permission (to go to the masjid) do not forbid her.” (Bukhari 7:165).
The woman must be dressed in full hijaab and not wear any perfume and attract any attention to herself when she attends salaah in congregation.
Conceal faults of others

The Prophet(SAW) said “The servant who conceals the faults of others in the world, Allah would conceal his faults on the Day of Resurrection.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
The Prophet(SAW) said “O! Those who accepted Imaan with their tongues and the Imaan has not reached their hearts, do not backbite fellow Muslims and do not search for their faults for certainly who exposes the faults of others, Allah will expose his faults and disgrace him in his own home” (Bayhaqi 407/2)
The Prophet (SAW) also said “Let not a believing man hate a believing woman, if he dislikes one quality in her then he will be pleased with another.”
1. Be tolerant
2. Be gentle towards each other.
3. Do not expose the faults and mistakes of others
4. Make dua for the person and ask for their forgiveness
The Prophet(SAW) said “O! Those who accepted Imaan with their tongues and the Imaan has not reached their hearts, do not backbite fellow Muslims and do not search for their faults for certainly who exposes the faults of others, Allah will expose his faults and disgrace him in his own home” (Bayhaqi 407/2)
The Prophet (SAW) also said “Let not a believing man hate a believing woman, if he dislikes one quality in her then he will be pleased with another.”
1. Be tolerant
2. Be gentle towards each other.
3. Do not expose the faults and mistakes of others
4. Make dua for the person and ask for their forgiveness
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
30 Common Mistakes druing Ramadan

1) Focusing on food; to the extent that people begin to worry about eating more then actually fasting. This also goes along with spending tons of money on Iftaars even though a person does not need to eat that much food.
2) Making Suhoor way before Fajr. Some people eat Suhoor a few hours after Taraweeh or Isha Salah, this is wrong. It should be eaten closer to the time of Fajr.
3) People don't make Niyyah (intentions) to fast for Ramadan. This is something in the heart and does not need to be verbal. Also it only needs to be done once, at the beginning of Ramadan and not every single day.
4) If you find out late that Ramadan started, you should stop eating and fast for that day, making that day up after Ramadan/Eid ends.
5) Many people don't think you pray Taraweeh on the first night of Ramadan (such as tonight). They believe you pray it after the first day you actually fast. They forget that the Islamic calendar runs on the moon, maghrib is the start of the new day.
6) Many people believe if you eat or drink on accident this breaks your fast. This is false, if you do this on accident then you continue fasting and do not need to make up the day.
7) Some people take the opinion that if they see someone eating or drinking they should not remind the person that he/she is fasting. According to Sheikh Bin Baz (ra), this is incorrect and it is an order from Allah for us to ordain the good and forbid the evil. Thus we tell the person, because we are forbidding the evil this way.
8) Many sisters believe they cannot use Hennah while fasting. This is incorrect, they are allowed to use it during Ramadan.
9) Some people believe when you are cooking you cannot taste the food to see if it has the right spices/flavors. This is false, and allowed in Islam as long as the person cooking is not eating the food. Rather they can taste it to see if it needs salt, or more spices.
10) Many people think you cannot use a Miswak or toothbrush during Ramadan. This is false, for the Prophet(saw) used to use a miswak during Ramadan. Also you CAN use toothpaste; the reasoning by the scholars is that the Miswak has flavor, thus toothpaste is okay to use (if you are not eating it).
11) Some people make the Fajr Adhan early. They do this so people will stop eating before Fajr and not invalidate their fast. This is wrong and something we should not do.
12) Some people make the Maghrib Adhan late. They do this so people will start eating late, just incase Maghrib has not come in yet. This too is wrong and we should not do this.
13) Many many people believe you cannot have intercourse with your spouse during the whole month of Ramadan. This is false, you cannot do this only during the times when you are fasting. Between Maghrib and Fajr it is permissible to do.
14) Many women believe that if their period has just ended and they did not make ghusl, they cannot fast that day (considering their period ended at night, and they went to bed without Ghusl, waking up without having a chance to make it). This is incorrect, if a women has not made Ghusl she can still fast.
15) Many men believe that if he has had intercourse with his wife and did not make ghusl (similar to the above) then he cannot fast the next morning. This is also incorrect, for he can fast even if he has not made Ghusl.
16) Some people pray Dhur and Asr prayers together during Ramadan. (mainly in Arab countries) This is incorrect and should be avoided.
17) Some people believe you cannot eat until the Muadthin is done calling the Maghrib Adthan. This is incorrect, as soon as he starts a person can break their fast.
18) Many people don't take advantage of making dua before they break their fast. This is one of the three times when Allah accepts a person dua.
19) Many people make the mistake of spending the later part of Ramadan preparing for Eid, neglecting Ramadan. This is incorrect and these people lose the concept of what Ramadan is about.
20) Many parents do not let their children fast during Ramadan (young children). This is something counter productive to a child. By allowing him to fast he will grow up to know he must do this act.
21) Many people think Ramadan is just about not eating and forget about controlling their tempers and watching what they say. In actuality we are supposed to control our tempers and mouths even more during Ramadan.
22) People often waste their time during Ramadan. They go to sleep during the day and get nothing done. We should be taking advantage of this blessed month by doing extra Ibaadat.
23) Some people don't go on trips or travel during Ramadan. They think they have to break their fast when traveling. This is actually optional, if you want to break your fast while traveling you can (with making it up later), and if you don't you can continue fasting.
24) Many people who are able don't make Itikaaf at the masjid. We should take advantage of our good health and spend lots of time at the Masjid, especially the last 10 days of Ramadan.
25) Some people believe they cannot cut their hair or nails during Ramadan. This is also false.
26) Some people say you cannot swallow your spit during Ramadan. This too is false. However you cannot swallow mucus that has entered your mouth.
27) Some people say you cannot use scented oils or perfumes during Ramadan. This too is false.
28) Some people believe bleeding breaks the fast. This is not true.
29) Some people believe if you throw up on accident it breaks your fast. This is not true, however if you do it intentionally it does.
30) Some people think you cannot put water in your nose and mouth during wuduh in Ramadan. This too is incorrect.
2) Making Suhoor way before Fajr. Some people eat Suhoor a few hours after Taraweeh or Isha Salah, this is wrong. It should be eaten closer to the time of Fajr.
3) People don't make Niyyah (intentions) to fast for Ramadan. This is something in the heart and does not need to be verbal. Also it only needs to be done once, at the beginning of Ramadan and not every single day.
4) If you find out late that Ramadan started, you should stop eating and fast for that day, making that day up after Ramadan/Eid ends.
5) Many people don't think you pray Taraweeh on the first night of Ramadan (such as tonight). They believe you pray it after the first day you actually fast. They forget that the Islamic calendar runs on the moon, maghrib is the start of the new day.
6) Many people believe if you eat or drink on accident this breaks your fast. This is false, if you do this on accident then you continue fasting and do not need to make up the day.
7) Some people take the opinion that if they see someone eating or drinking they should not remind the person that he/she is fasting. According to Sheikh Bin Baz (ra), this is incorrect and it is an order from Allah for us to ordain the good and forbid the evil. Thus we tell the person, because we are forbidding the evil this way.
8) Many sisters believe they cannot use Hennah while fasting. This is incorrect, they are allowed to use it during Ramadan.
9) Some people believe when you are cooking you cannot taste the food to see if it has the right spices/flavors. This is false, and allowed in Islam as long as the person cooking is not eating the food. Rather they can taste it to see if it needs salt, or more spices.
10) Many people think you cannot use a Miswak or toothbrush during Ramadan. This is false, for the Prophet(saw) used to use a miswak during Ramadan. Also you CAN use toothpaste; the reasoning by the scholars is that the Miswak has flavor, thus toothpaste is okay to use (if you are not eating it).
11) Some people make the Fajr Adhan early. They do this so people will stop eating before Fajr and not invalidate their fast. This is wrong and something we should not do.
12) Some people make the Maghrib Adhan late. They do this so people will start eating late, just incase Maghrib has not come in yet. This too is wrong and we should not do this.
13) Many many people believe you cannot have intercourse with your spouse during the whole month of Ramadan. This is false, you cannot do this only during the times when you are fasting. Between Maghrib and Fajr it is permissible to do.
14) Many women believe that if their period has just ended and they did not make ghusl, they cannot fast that day (considering their period ended at night, and they went to bed without Ghusl, waking up without having a chance to make it). This is incorrect, if a women has not made Ghusl she can still fast.
15) Many men believe that if he has had intercourse with his wife and did not make ghusl (similar to the above) then he cannot fast the next morning. This is also incorrect, for he can fast even if he has not made Ghusl.
16) Some people pray Dhur and Asr prayers together during Ramadan. (mainly in Arab countries) This is incorrect and should be avoided.
17) Some people believe you cannot eat until the Muadthin is done calling the Maghrib Adthan. This is incorrect, as soon as he starts a person can break their fast.
18) Many people don't take advantage of making dua before they break their fast. This is one of the three times when Allah accepts a person dua.
19) Many people make the mistake of spending the later part of Ramadan preparing for Eid, neglecting Ramadan. This is incorrect and these people lose the concept of what Ramadan is about.
20) Many parents do not let their children fast during Ramadan (young children). This is something counter productive to a child. By allowing him to fast he will grow up to know he must do this act.
21) Many people think Ramadan is just about not eating and forget about controlling their tempers and watching what they say. In actuality we are supposed to control our tempers and mouths even more during Ramadan.
22) People often waste their time during Ramadan. They go to sleep during the day and get nothing done. We should be taking advantage of this blessed month by doing extra Ibaadat.
23) Some people don't go on trips or travel during Ramadan. They think they have to break their fast when traveling. This is actually optional, if you want to break your fast while traveling you can (with making it up later), and if you don't you can continue fasting.
24) Many people who are able don't make Itikaaf at the masjid. We should take advantage of our good health and spend lots of time at the Masjid, especially the last 10 days of Ramadan.
25) Some people believe they cannot cut their hair or nails during Ramadan. This is also false.
26) Some people say you cannot swallow your spit during Ramadan. This too is false. However you cannot swallow mucus that has entered your mouth.
27) Some people say you cannot use scented oils or perfumes during Ramadan. This too is false.
28) Some people believe bleeding breaks the fast. This is not true.
29) Some people believe if you throw up on accident it breaks your fast. This is not true, however if you do it intentionally it does.
30) Some people think you cannot put water in your nose and mouth during wuduh in Ramadan. This too is incorrect.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Support Disaster Relief in Pakistan

Pakistan has been struck by the worst flooding in its recorded history. To date, tens of millions of people have been impacted. Critical infrastructure has been damaged and clean water is in short supply. The toll is expected to grow as monsoon season continues. Join the global effort to assist crisis responders and victims.

There is a story of about a sea captain who in his retirement skippered a boat taking day-trippers to Islands . On one trip, the boat was full of young people. They laughed at the old captain when they saw him say a prayer before sailing out, because the day was fine and the sea was calm.
However they weren't long at sea when a storm suddenly blew up and the boat began to pitch violently. The terrified passengers came to the captain and asked him to join them in prayer.
But he replied, "I say my prayers when it's calm. When it's rough, I attend to my ship."
Here is a lesson for us ......
If we cannot and will not seek God in quiet moments of our lives, we are not likely to find him when trouble strikes. We are more likely to panic.
But, if we have learnt to seek him and trust him in quiet moments, then most certainly we will find him when the going gets rough.
However they weren't long at sea when a storm suddenly blew up and the boat began to pitch violently. The terrified passengers came to the captain and asked him to join them in prayer.
But he replied, "I say my prayers when it's calm. When it's rough, I attend to my ship."
Here is a lesson for us ......
If we cannot and will not seek God in quiet moments of our lives, we are not likely to find him when trouble strikes. We are more likely to panic.
But, if we have learnt to seek him and trust him in quiet moments, then most certainly we will find him when the going gets rough.
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