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Thursday, December 15, 2011

inspiring story of a man

Once upon a time there was a man who went to a forest and he saw a wolf that could not move.He started thinking that how can he possibly survive if he can't hunt.Nearby he saw a lion feasting on a zebra... he ate half of it and left the rest.The wolf quickly devoured all the left over part of the zebra.That man thought wow!Allah almighty you are really giving,kind and caring.You made a way for the wolf and gave him his sustenance.

Then when he went back to his home he decided to lock himself in his room , having the faith in his sustenance that like the wolf ,God will provide him with food.Many days passed and still no food... When the man was getting unconscious , suddenly a voice addressed him ..."which two animals did you see" he replied"lion and wolf" Then the voice piercingly resounded..why did you chose the example of a crippled wolf...why not be like the lion,eat and help others eat half of your share.

The End...

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