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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Your Stomach After Ramadan

Sadly, Ramadan is now over but the blessed Eid Al-Fitr is welcoming us. The switch from the fasting state to the non-fasting state is a very critical period for the digestive system. As a matter of fact, it may take up to three weeks for the body to fully adapt to the new state of non-fasting.
However, many cultural factors, such as eating very salty foods or very sugary foods on the first day, could cause serious trouble to the stomach.
The secret is being able to make this transition safely without the annoying pains of stomachaches and heartburns.
What are your experiences with this situation? Do you have suggestions for others on how to make this critical transition? Do you think that cardiac exercises and aerobic training can help?
Share your thoughts with us and lets see if we can come up with a perfect solution.

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